
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blog Tour and Interview: Persistence of Vision by Liesel K Hill

Title: Persistence of Vision
Series: Interchron Series #1
Author: Liesel K Hill
Published Date: Jan 29, 2012
Publisher: Tate Publishing
Format: ebook
Pages: 386
ISBN: 1620247968
Copy provided by: author
Genre: adult dystopian
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon / Tate Publishing
Rating: 4 stars

Goodreads synopsisIn a world where collective hives are enslaving the population and individuals have been hunted to the verge of extinction, Maggie Harper, and independent 21st Century woman, must find the strength to preserve the freedom of the future, but without the aid of her memories.
After experiencing a traumatic time loss, Maggie is plagued by a barrage of images she can't explain. When she's attacked by a creep with a spider's web tattoo, she is saved by Marcus, a man she's never met, but somehow remembers. He tells her that both he and her creepy attacker are from a future in which individuals are being murdered by collectives, and Marcus is part of the rebellion. The collectives have acquired time travel and they plan to enslave the human race throughout all of history. The flashes Maggie has been seeing are echoes of lost memories, and the information buried deep within them is instrumental in defeating the collective hives.
In order to preserve the individuality of mankind, Maggie must try to re-discover stolen memories, re-kindle friendships she has no recollection of, and wade through her feelings for the mysterious Marcus, all while dodging the tattooed assassins the collectives keep sending her way.
If Maggie can't fill the holes in her memory and find the answers to stop the collectives, the world both in her time and in all ages past and future will be doomed to enslavement in the grey, mediocre collectives. As the danger swirls around her and the collectives close in, Maggie realizes she must make a choice: stand out or fade away...

My review: I'd like to thank the author for sharing this book with me for an honest review. 
At first, the book was a little slow and hard to get into, which was why I gave it 4 stars instead of 4 1/2 stars. Once you got into it though, it was amazing. 
The characters were believable and I could really connect with them. I felt badly for Marcus with Maggie not remembering him. That's just got to be heart-wrenching. I didn't find Maggie to be too whiny, considering that she'd just been transported forward into a time where everything is done with your mind, and the equivalent of the Borg now exist. I think I'd either laugh myself into a loony house or be a puddle of tears if I were put in her shoes. 
There were a few glitches in the editing. I'm trying to remember one off the top of my head, but I can't right now. However, it wasn't detrimental to the reading pace. 
I can't wait for the sequel!

And now for the interview!!!!

1.   1. What inspired you to write your first book?

Persistence of Vision was actually not the first book I’d ever written. For a long time I was going to go into health science. Once I realized that wasn't my calling, and that I wanted to write, I realized I needed a subject. I looked into a few different things, but then I took a Russian History class in college and fell in love with it. The first book I ever wrote is a historical fiction set in medieval Russia. It’s scheduled for release later this year. After I had one novel under my belt, I branched out to sci-fi and fantasy. That’s more what I read and soon enough, Persistence of Vision was born.

2.   2.  How did you come up with the title?

I struggled with a title for this book. I finished the writing and still didn’t have one. The story was written, with one of the major themes being that Maggie remembered Marcus on some level, even after her memories had been erased. With that in mind, I started going through my old notes. I’m a big believer keeping a mini-notepad around to write down ideas as they come. I did this in college and actually the concept of the Remembrancer came from it. When I went back through my notes, I found a notation for persistence of vision, which is a real physics concept. I realized it fit perfectly.

3.     3.  Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

It’s a bit early in the series for overall messages, but I wrote Maggie in such a way that she’s positive, forward-thinking, willing to help, and believes in the greater good, which is in large part why she has and will continue to succeed to the extent that she does.

4.      4. Are any of the characters based on people you know?

Nope. There’s an inevitable amount of me in Maggie, but other than that these characters aren't based on anyone specific.

5.    5.  What books have most influenced your life most?

Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series is always my answer for this. I’ve learned more from that series than most other things I’ve read combined. It’s simply amazing! Incidentally, the final book just came out. It was great!

6.    6.   If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Assuming I don’t have to have met them in person, I’d have to go with Robert Jordan again. Of course, the writers in my writer’s group are always mentoring me, especially the wonderful Brianna Kent and Jernae Kowallis.

7.  7.  What book are you reading now?

I’m reading One Boy No Water by Lehua Parker. I’m usually not big on middle grade but my friend and fellow JFP author wrote it and I wanted to review it for her on my blog.

8.     8.  Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Sure! I’m always looking for new authors to read. I’m very excited about Megan Shepherd’s The Madman’s Daughter. Some other recent or up-and-coming authors you might want to follow are Chris Loke, Jennifer Stewart Griffin, and Adrienne Monson.

Thank you so much Liesel, for the interview and for allowing me to review your book, it was incredible! If any of you want to contact the author, she can be found at the following links:

Monday, January 28, 2013

It's Monday! What are you reading?

Yep, it's Monday again. The weekend goes by way too fast! But a new month is about to start, and I'm looking forward to new book tours and new books!
This week I'm going to attempt to get through this "small" group of books:

  1. No Greater Illusion by K Baskett
  2. Complete Guide to the Bible: Student Edition by Stephen Miller
  3. The Lamp by Stephanie Jackson
  4. The Lady of Chains and Other Stories by V Shaw
  5. Shifty Business by Olivia Hardin
  6. Seduced by Innocence by Kimberly Kinrade

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week in Review # 4

It's been a quiet week here, and I sure could use a vacation! I am emotionally and physically worn-out. Mid-week I came down with a sinus infection, and of course on Thursday I found out my sister has breast cancer,  invasive ductal carinoma to be exact. She went through her first round of chemo yesterday. So for my sister....
L, we love you! -- xoxox bkjk

But life does continue on, and reviews and giveaways have happened as well here, and they will continue!
 The reviews this past week:
And the giveaway:

Friday, January 25, 2013

Please pray for my sister

I found out last night that my sister is going to begoing through her first round of chemo treatment for breast cancer tommorrow. This is the first time that she's told anyone in the family that she has breast cancer. She's got two little girls that need her. This is absolutely heart-wrenching.

Feature and Follow Friday #9

Q: What is the last book that kept you up late into the night just to finish it?

I don't usually stay up late to finish books. I give myself a reasonable expectation of pages to read that day (like 50 or 100), and get those read before my usual bed time of 9 PM. Yes, 9 is early, but I usually get up at 5 AM, and I know if I get anything less than 8 hours, I'm a cranky brat during the day. (You should have seen me during early stay up all night motherhood...oh wait, no....I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy).
However, that being said, I have a book that kept me awake reading it after working a 12 hour shift from 3 AM - 3 PM. It was Mobster's Girl by Amy Rachiele. It and its successor are awesome books!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

REVIEW: America Bewitched by Owen Davies

Title: America Bewitched
Author: Owen Davies
Series: none
Publication Date: expected May 1, 2013
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Pages: 333
Format: ebook
Copy provided by: NetGalley
ISBN: 978-0-19-957871-9
Buy it Link: Amazon / Barnes and Noble
Rating: 3 1/2 stars

Synopsis: The infamous Salem witch trials of 1692 are etched into the consciousness of America. Nineteen people executed, one tortured to death, four others perished in jail—the tragic toll of Salem remains a powerful symbol of the dangers of intolerance and persecution. As time passed, the trials were seen as a milepost measuring the distance America had progressed from its benighted past. Yet the story of witchcraft did not end in Salem. As Owen Davies shows in America Bewitched, a new, long, and chilling chapter was about to begin.
Davies, an authority on witches and the supernatural, reveals how witchcraft in post-Salem America was not just a matter of scary fire-side tales, Halloween legends, and superstitions: it continued to be a matter of life and death. If anything, witchcraft disputes multiplied as hundreds of thousands of immigrants poured into North America, people for whom witchcraft was still a heinous crime. Davies tells the story of countless murders and many other personal tragedies that resulted from accusations of witchcraft among European Americans-as well as in Native American and African American communities. He describes, for instance, the impact of this belief on Native Americans, as colonists-from Anglo-American settlers to Spanish missionaries-saw Indian medicine men as the Devil's agents, potent workers of malign magic. But Davies also reveals that seventeenth-century Iroquois—faced with decimating, mysterious diseases—accused Jesuits of being plague-spreading witches. Indeed, the book shows how different American groups shaped each other's languages and beliefs, sharing not only our positive cultural traits, but our fears and weaknesses as well.
America Bewitched is the first book to open a window on this fascinating topic, conjuring up new insights into popular American beliefs, the immigrant experience, racial attitudes, and the development of modern society.

My Review: I received an advanced reader copy for purposes of an honest review from Net Galley. My opinions are my own and are in no way influenced by receiving this book.
In my life I've lived in two cities much affected by the American history of witchcraft. One is New Orleans where I was born and raised for much of my life, with voodoo and witchcraft as much a part of my blood as gumbo and Mardi Gras. After Hurricane Katrina, I migrated northward to Massachusetts where I now live only 20 minutes from Salem itself, the very epicenter of the American Witchcraft craze. And that was why I chose to review this book, because witchcraft didn't end in 1692. True witchcraft, as a religion, and a way of life, continues on to this very day, whether it be called Wicca, witchcraft, or by another name.
This book brought to light many facts about the history of witchcraft in America that I was unaware of. I found the book to be very detailed, but at the same time, very dry. This would be a great book for research purposes but don't expect to be able to curl up and immerse yourself in another person's life. I can see having this book on your bookshelf, but not re-reading it over and over. However, it doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

REVIEW: The Haunted Laird

Because this is an 18+ only book, I've posted my review/excerpt, etc on my 18+ book review blog, Swamp Reviews.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Seduced by Innocence By Kimberly Kinrade Book Promo and Giveaway

Seduction comes in many forms. 

"Liquid fire poured into me, filling me with the intimate sense of him as he leaned in to claim my lips with his own. I reached for him, needing him closer, but my arms couldn't close the distance between us, which grew wider with each hitched breath. So close to finally feeling something real, something carnal and deep, I cried out in frustration, dropping my hands as he disappeared. My cries deepened into a frenzy of panic and my eyes flew open. I clutched my blanket and stilled myself to calm my racing heart.  

Just a dream. Always just a dream."

 Rose Wintersong didn't have an ordinary upbringing. Raised in what most would call a hippy commune, but what is actually a powerful coven of witches, she never questions the life fate chose for her. 

Until she meets Derek O'Conner. 

Derek challenges everything Rose believes and forces her to see the secrets hidden beneath the whitewashed walls of her idyllic country life.

Rose knows she should walk away, that the sexy martial arts instructor is bad news bred to create discord in her tight community… but the animal magnetism between them is impossible to fight. 

Caught between the passion of first love, and the steady beat of the life she's always known, Rose must choose between the innocence of her youth or the pleasures of womanhood—but lost innocence comes at a price, and Rose harbors a dark secret that could destroy everyone she loves—including Derek.  

Submit to the Seduced Saga as Derek and Rose face their future while unraveling the mysteries of their past.

By Sure to mark as "Want to read" on Goodreads</ a>

  "Kimberly Kinrade will be giving away a custom made rose pendant based on the book cover, if she gets 1,000 adds on Goodreads before the launch on January 21, 2013.


Look for these books in 2013
January 21, 2013 - Seduced by Innocence
February 14, 2013 - Seduced by Power
TBA-Seduced by Pleasure
TBA-Seduced by Pain
TBA-Seduced by Love(less)

Kimberly Kinrade was born with ink in her veins and magic in her heart. She writes fantasy and paranormal stories for all ages and still believes in magic worlds. Check out her YA paranormal series The Forbidden Trilogy, her lower grade fantasy series The Three Lost Kids, and watch for her New Adult romance and fantasy books coming in 2013 including The Seduced Saga, Sunrise and Nightfall, Death by Destiny and The Fallen Trilogy and her next YA fantasy adventure, The Reluctant Familiar. You can find her books on Amazon, B&N and Goodreads among other fine retailers.

 When she's not writing, she runs Daring Books Design & Marketing with her husband, Dmytry Karpov, where they help authors with all manner of marketing, editing, and design needs until such a time that their brilliant children take over the business for them. 

She lives with her three little girls who think they're ninja princesses with super powers, her two cats who think they're gods (and probably are), her two dogs who think they're humans and her husband, also known as the sexy Russian Prince, who is the love of her life and writing partner. 

Twitter: @KimberlyKinrade 
Facebook: /KimberlyKinrade 
Goodreads: 4687115.Kimberly_Kinrade 

If you're an author looking for help in marketing, editing, design or self-publishing, check out http:// 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Blog awards!

Wow, I have just been showered with love over the past two weeks, and I do want to acknowledge those who have nominated me for blog awards. 
I've received the Liebster Award from several people. I promise to spread the love, but it will take me a few months. Right now, I am a full time worker, and a mom of two (my 7 year old and 4 year old), I am also Troop Leader for my 7 year old's Brownie Girl Scout Troop and we're in full Cookie mode. 
I also just started my second book blog at Swamp Reviews to cover my 18+ books/reviews/audience. I don't believe it will be as busy as this one, but it still will take my time. 

Thank you to everyone who have nominated this blog for the awards. I truly feel honored and loved.

Monday, January 21, 2013

It's Monday! What are you reading?

Can you imagine that its been 3 weeks since 2013 started?! And I don't feel like I've gotten much accomplished (except for adding a ton of books to my already teetering book pile....). I wonder if its possible to drown in books, or ebooks as it is...?

So this week the line-up looks like this:
1. Persistence of Vision by Liesel Hill
2. America Bewitched by Owen Davies
3. Infernal Eighteen by Don A Martinez
4. The Lamp by Stephanie Jackson
5. The Lady of Chains and Other Stories by V. Shaw

I've had #2 for 3 weeks now, and I'm sure Netgalley will be chomping at the bit soon for me to have the review one. 

Clockwork Dwarf Tour: Review

Title: Clockwork Dwarf
Series: none
Author: Bret Jordan
Published Date: August 15, 2012
Publisher: Purple Sword Publications LLC
Format: ebook
Pages: 259
ISBN: 9781612920498
Copy provided by: Book and Trailer Showcase
Genre: steampunk fantasy
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon
Rating: 3 1/2 stars

Book Synopsis: Gustov Stoneheart is an unlikely hero, a dwarf who’s magically torn from friends and family, thrown into a world where magic collides with steampunk. A prophecy predicts that he will bring down the human federation, and they hunt him with a passion. Hiding from them isn’t easy in the federation’s police-state, and Gustov must rethink his deep seated bigotry as orcs, elves, and his own changed kind aid him to make the prophecy come true

My review: I would like to thank Book and Trailer Showcase for allowing me to host a review of this book during the blog tour. 
Overall, this book was slightly better than okay. It had some really good parts to it. The beginning and the end were awesome. The middle dragged on and on. The character development were good. I enjoyed watching Gustov's evolution from a typical fantasy Dungeons and Dragons, or Lord of the Rings, dwarf into something more, as the story progressed and he found himself in a new society where the racial lines were blurred. 
I have to admit, I nearly cried when one of the side characters died. I would have liked some sort of connection to the past, either Gustov coming across one of his descendants, or finding out more about what happened to his family. I think that would have helped bring the story more full-circle, instead of leaving that thread hanging. 

About the author: 
Bio information:  I'm a resident of Southeast Texas and an avid reader who devours books in almost every genre and tries to bring a little of that variety into my writing. It’s all about people, adventure, escape from the humdrum of reality and the ever-present question, "what if?"
When not writing or spending time with my wife and children I put pen to paper as an illustrator and sometimes-digital artist. To get away from it all I can often be found riding the roads of Southeast Texas on the back of my motorcycle. 

Contact the author: Website / Facebook / Blog   

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week in Review #3

Hey y'all, this is where I put this past week's reviews, interviews, and book contests up. :)


The week's Book giveaway and contests:
Wow, is that it? Quiet on the blog this past week, huh? Alright, we;ll I'm off to read some more, and I've got a review to post tonight. :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

REVIEW: The Insurgent's Journal by Don A Martinez

Title: The Insurgent's Journal
Series: Phantom Squadron #3
Author: Don A Martinez
Published Date: February 2012
Publisher: Desert Coyote Production
Format: ebook
Pages: 222
ISBN: 1468022199 
Copy provided by: author
Genre: fantasy dystopian
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon
Rating: 4 stars

Goodreads synopsis: The United States is no more. The New Empire of America holds power now.
The people of the former U.S.A now live in the "glory" of President-for-Life Carleton Regent, his wife and Vice President Jennifer, and the immensely powerful Supernatural Suppression Agency.
Their goal: eliminate all supernaturals!
A victim of the SSA's purges is Alanna Sharpe, now missing her supernatural parents Ariel and Cole. Summoned by her parents' former ally Gabe Francis, she takes the burden of her Sharpe birthright ... the Sword of the Guardsman.
Gabe presents Alanna with a quest. To save her parents, she must bring down the New Empire of America!
Alanna pushes forth against the SSA and its field commander, General Tyrelius Scolar. But will Alanna be prepared for the haunting secret behind the rise of Scolar, the SSA, and the New Empire?

My review: I would like to thank the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I can honestly say this is the first series that gets better and better with each book! This time I really could connect with Alanna on an emotional level. I loved how the author let us see into the mind of the Guardswoman. 
With the whole dystopian part of it, it was so possible and that's what made it so scary. The author melds modern politics into a horrifying possibility so well that you can believe that it is right on the cusp of almost happening. It's absolutely terrifying. The ending was the ultimate cliffhanger.
I can't wait to read the next book!

A Question for Y'all

I have a book that I'm currently reading for review. The review will be coming out this coming up week and I gotta tell you the cover is steamy, the content is steamy. Well, it's an Ellora Cave book, so if any of y'all are familiar with EC stuff, you know its pure erotica.
Some people refuse to read erotica and review it. I have no problems. BUT, the conundrum lies in do I change to the 18+ content for this blog, or do I start a blog specifically for my 18+ reviews?
I'm leaning towards starting a new one specifically for my 18+ reviews.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #8!

To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say "hi" in your comments and that they are now following you.
  5. If you are using WordPress or another CMS that doesn't have GFC (Google Friends Connect) state in your posts how you would like to be followed
  6. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  7. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers

Q: Who is your favorite villain from a book?

Oh you just had to pick a really hard question, didn't you? A lot of people seem to be choosing the Harry Potter world to pick this week, so I'll jump on that bandwagon. (I've only had a few sips of my first cup of coffee, I'm not quite up to my usual somewhat snarky self :)).
I'm not going to pick Voldemort, he was much too easy. I'm picking....Severus Snape!

Snape was a villain that we all loved to hate, so I'll just leave it at that.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

REVIEW: The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien

Title: The Hobbit
Series: none
Author: John Ronald Ruel Tolkien
Published Date: September 21, 1937 (original)
Publisher: George Allen and Unwin (Original)
Format: ebook
Pages: 195
ISBN: 0618260307
Copy provided by: myself
Genre: high fantasy
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon / Barnes and Noble
Rating: 5 stars

Synopsis: In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.
Written for J.R.R. Tolkien’s own children, The Hobbit met with instant critical acclaim when it was first published in 1937. Now recognized as a timeless classic, this introduction to the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the wizard Gandalf, Gollum, and the spectacular world of Middle-earth recounts of the adventures of a reluctant hero, a powerful and dangerous ring, and the cruel dragon Smaug the Magnificent.

My review: I would love to thank my uncle for introducing me to this wonderful classic book. In anyone's library, you can see what kind of a person they are based on the titles, and his library was full of religious textbooks, educational textbooks, psychological textbooks, with a smattering of my dad's books of history in there. There were only 4 books in the entire 1000+ book library (I am not kidding), that were anything near fiction, and those were The Hobbit and the hard cover trilogy of The Lord of the Rings. Not even CS Lewis (a very famous theologian as well as the author of the Narnia books) found his way into that library in his Chronicles of Narnia. 
I've seen other reviews complaining about how long and winding the author's descriptions are. And they are. But, I have not had another book or author describe giant spiders and their webs in such detail that I was shuddering as I was reading. I'm terrified of spiders, and that part of the book had my heart racing. It was like I was there with Bilbo in that awful Mirkwood forest with those horrible arachnids, instead of walking down to the security office in my building trying to get a new ID.
And as much of a jerk as Thorin was to Bilbo towards the end, I still cried at the end. And I especially cried when I found out that my two favorite dwarves don't make it. I know I've read this before and I knew they wouldn't, but I guess I was hoping that they would magically make it this time.

The youngest of the dwarven company, Fili and Kili

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

An Encounter With a Book Snob

**The person shall remain nameless for the sake of their book snobbishness. Instead, I will call her N.**

Today I came across my first official book snob. And wow, what an encounter it was! Usually, I can come back with some pretty snide remarks to put people in their place, but this one really set me back on my heels.

I was sitting somewhere, place unknown, enjoying the relative peace and quiet, eating my breakfast of a bagel and coffee, while re-reading The Hobbit on my Nook. N came into my quiet little reading space and asked me what I was reading.
"The Hobbit," I replied.
"But you read that one already, didn't you?" N asked with a tone in her voice I didn't quite like.
I smiled. "Yes, N, that's what good books are be re-read." (I warned you I could be snide!)
"That. Is. Not. A. Good. Book. Nor is it a classic." she replied with the following look on her face:

At that point I am ashamed to say I was struck speechless. And unfortunately, she plowed on with her argument concerning the Truly Great Classic Books, such as:

The Odyssey by Homer,War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, and Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Her list included about 6 books all total.

Needlessto say, I was still speechless, while brief ideas flitted through my head of how sad and forlorn Gandalf and the dwarves must feel without my company as they journey with the giant eagles....

After the encounter was over, and my brain recovered from its flummoxed state, all I could think of was, "Thank god there are billions of books out there for everyone to enjoy, not just 5 or 6."

Closure by Kim Carmichel -- Free today and tomorrow!

This was an awesome book! You can read my review on it here.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Republic Book Blast starts today!



Ken Murphy is a 45 year-old National Guard Colonel and senior manager at a computer chip manufacturer in quiet Highview, West Virginia. In this future history featuring frightening parallels to our present, the local economy is thrown into a tailspin when the plant is suddenly shut down, even as the nation is thrown into turmoil by a deadly domestic terrorist attack. Murphy, like everyone else in his town, is suddenly thrown out of work, with no way to pay for medical care for his son. Karen Greenfield, a young captain in Murphy's National Guard battalion, faces a devastating choice: how does she serve the Constitution she swore to protect when the danger comes from the federal government itself? After witnessing the senseless death of a co-worker, she begins to question the foundations of everything she has ever believed. The conflict escalates from Charleston, West Virginia to the halls of Congress. Politicians on both sides refuse to back down or compromise, bringing open armed conflict closer and closer to reality. From the author of the Amazon bestselling author of Just Remember to Breathe, Republic is a surprise bestselling dystopian novel (more than two years on the Amazon Alternate History bestseller list) described by readers as "breath-taking," "riveting," and "haunting."
Purchase on Amazon.

About the Author

Charles Sheehan-Miles served in combat with the 24th Infantry Division during the 1991 Gulf War, and was decorated for valor for helping rescue fellow tank crewmen from a burning tank during the Battle at Rumayla. He is a former President and co-founder of the National Gulf War Resource Center and later was executive director of Veterans for Common Sense.
Follow on: Website | Facebook |Twitter | GoodReads
Tour Prize $50 Amazon gift card open where ever you can use an Amazon GC. Fill out the form below to enter. a Rafflecopter giveaway

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hi everyone, another week has passed! Work has been insane and family life is a zoo as usual, I'm surprised I got as much reading done as I have!

This week's reading list is:

1. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien (since I'm over a week ahead of my scheduled tour reviews)
2. The Insurgent's Journal by Don A Martinez
3. Persistence of Vision by Liesel Hill
4. The Lady of Chains and Other Stories by V. Shaw
5. The Lamp by Stephanie Jackson

I'm hoping I can get more than 2 of those read this week, but with my work schedule, not quite sure I'll be able to accomplish that.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week in Review #2

This week has been a busy week at Second Book to the Right. Lots of tours and giveaways and a few books.
Contests that started this week:
  • The Tales of Lucinda Grandi: $50 Amazon gift card and 5 signed books are up for grabs!
  • Bring Down the Furies: $50 Amazon Gift card, $25 Barnes and Noble gift Card and a set of signed books up for grabs!
  • Lessons Learned: $10 Amazon gift card, Lessons Learned tote bag and a signed copy of Lessons Learned up for grabs
  • Desires Unleashed: $100 Amazon Gift card, and a Knights of the Darkness Chronicles t-shirt up for grabs!
Books reviewed this week:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday # 7

To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say "hi" in your comments and that they are now following you.
  5. If you are using WordPress or another CMS that doesn't have GFC (Google Friends Connect) state in your posts how you would like to be followed
  6. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  7. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers

Q: If you could choose one supernatural being/creature to really exists what would it be and why? ex. fae { submitted by @SeeingNight }

Oh boy....let's see....fae? Oh no, have you seen their sense of humor? Everyone's tires would be slashed on a nightly binge of "let's torture the humans". 
Vamps? The Red Cross is having a hard enough time with staying up with the supply for blood, can you imagine if they had to provide for an entire race? Or if they didn't...the killings that would happen? 
Werewolves? People prone to even more violence during the full moon? Oh please no. The ERs are already jam packed (no pun intended ;)) during the full moon.
Angels? Now that would be cool, because they would be good, right? But with my luck I would end up with a 400 pound balding, graying angel as my guardian instead of some hot, chiseled underwear model with wings.
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REVIEW: Within by Clare C. Marshall AND Giveaway!

Title: Within
Series: none
Author: Clare C. Marshall
Published Date: November 13, 2011
Publisher: Faery Ink Press
Format: ebook
Pages: 192
ISBN 13: 9780987779403
Copy provided by: author
Genre: YA suspense fiction
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon / Barnes and Noble
Rating: 4 1/2 stars

Goodreads synopsis: Trinity Hartell’s life changed after the accident. Left with irreversible brain damage, she becomes a burden to her mother, a cause for heartbreak for her boyfriend Zack, and a flattened obstacle for her best friend, Ellie.
But then she starts writing. Perhaps it’s a coincidence that the psychotic, murdering protagonist of her novel bears a striking similarity to the charming Wiley Dalton, a mayoral candidate in the upcoming election.
Or, perhaps not...

My Review: I would like to thank the author, Clare C. Marshall, for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book for her one year anniversary tour. 
I was totally blown away by this book. Completely and utterly blown away by this book. It was just. that. good. This morning I sat down on my sofa with the intent of getting to the halfway point with it today and continuing tomorrow. I looked down at the pages, and noticed I only had 10 more left. And then it was over. 
Your heart totally goes out to Trinity and the love that Zack continues to have for her after the accident. I wanted to smack Trinity's mom for being a selfish person and putting her career ahead of her daughter, but then let's lump in Trinity's father for the same reason, because I sure as heck didn't see him rushing to take FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) after Trinity came back from the hospital. True though, this story was in Canada so maybe they have other laws, but surely they would have an equivalent?
Ellie was a selfish, hormonal brat who just saw the accident and its consequences as a chance to hook up with her bestie's boyfriend. However, at the end, I could only wish her the best. 

Also....did you really think I could get away without a giveaway? Noooo...the author is doing an awesome giveaway as well, so sign up! Now!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Desires Unleashed Book Tour and Giveaway!

Desires Unleashed

Desires Unleashed (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles Book One)

Desires Unleashed is the first novel in the riveting, highly-addictive and sexually-charged Knights of the Darkness Chronicles. Experience the heart-pounding thrill of the chase in this electrifying page-turner as you uncover the mystery behind the series of gruesome killings that have been terrorizing the citizens of Chicago. When a grisly decapitated corpse pops up on a Chicago Street, drained of blood, the highly-trained, government-funded special police force assigned two of their best detectives to the case. S.U.I.T. Detectives Warren Davis and Matthew Eric delve deep into their investigation to discover just who or what is leaving mutilated bodies in public places. They soon realize that the killer or killers is one step ahead of them and if they are going to stop the menace before another innocent human is viciously attack, they are going to need help. Natasha Hemingway liked her life just the way it was... normal and supernatural-free. The vampires and shape-shifters were just where shewanted them to be--far away from her. All was going well until an unfortunate accident landed her in the hospital. It was then that she discovered she had an ability that could help her save countless lives. All of a sudden, she finds herself thrust into the dangerous and alluring world of the supernatural and into the arms of two very sexy and deadly vampires. Original, gritty and sprinkled with just the right amount of humor and wit, the Knights of the Darkness Chronicles will suck you in and take you for a ride you won't forget. You don't want to miss out on this amazing series!
Purchase Desires Unleashed on Amazon.

About Author D.N. Simmons

D. N. Simmons lives in Chicago IL., with a rambunctious German Shepherd that's too big for his own good and mischievous kitten that she affectionately calls "Itty-bitty". Her hobbies include rollerblading, billiards, bowling, reading, watching television and going to the movies. She has been nominated at Love Romances and More, winning honorable mention for best paranormal book of 2006. She has won "Author of the Month" at Warrior of Words. She was voted "New Voice of Today" at Romance Reviews and "Rising Star" at Love Romance and More. To learn more, and have the opportunity to speak with the author personally, please visit the official website and forum at .
D.N. is always interesting in meeting new and wonderful people.
Follow D.N. Simmons Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads
The author is giving away a $100 gift certificate and a Knights of the Darkness Chronicles Tshirt. Fill out the form below to enter! a Rafflecopter giveaway Follow the Book Tour!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lesson Learned Book Blast

Lessons Learned

A young girl needs to spread her wings, but a young woman needs roots. High school teacher Sarah Bray never thought she’d return to Sycamore Falls, but a traumatic event at her inner-city school leaves her desperate for the sanctuary of her childhood home. Orphaned as a teenager and raised by her grandmother, she had severed all ties with the people of her hometown –including her best friend, Aubrey – in hopes of leaving everything behind her. By returning to her roots, an older and wiser Sarah hopes to deal with the demons of her present and confront the ghosts of her past. While visiting the local hardware store, Sarah meets Lucas Miller, a history teacher who has recently transferred from New York. She discovers a kindred spirit in him and learns that he is battling demons of his own. As the newest faculty members of Sycamore High School, they form a friendship – bonding through Lucas’s culture shock and their mutual desire to build new lives in the secluded town. When they begin to open their wounded hearts and share their secrets, their friendship effortlessly evolves into romance, giving each of them hope that maybe they aren’t so wounded, after all. Their newfound love is put to the test when Matt Stuart, the quarterback of the football team, shares his deepest secret with Sarah. Fearing the painful incident that drove her from the city has followed her to Sycamore Falls, Sarah grows fiercely protective of her student. Determined that history will not repeat itself, Sarah stands by Matt’s side as he faces the ridicule of his church, his teammates, and the school administration. When the conservative community finally learns his secret, Sarah and Lucas – along with the town of Sycamore Falls – are schooled in the lessons of acceptance, tolerance, and love.

Twitter: @SydneyALogan

  About Sydney Logan Sydney Logan holds a Master’s degree in Elementary Education and makes her home in the hills of East Tennessee.With the 2012 release of her first novel, Lessons Learned, she made the transition from bookworm to author. She has a very unhealthy obsession with music, and her iPod is filled with everything from Johnny Cash to Eminem. When she isn't reading or writing, she enjoys playing piano and relaxing on her front porch with her wonderful husband and their very spoiled cat. Please visit her official website at

Purchase at The Writer's Coffee Shop

Book Tour
  January 10 - BLAST 11
 excerpt 18

 The author is giving away a $10 Amazon Card, a signed copy of Lessons Learned, and a Lessons Learned tote bag. Fill out the form below to enter! a Rafflecopter giveaway