
Friday, March 29, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #17

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Q: Tell us about the most emotional scene you've ever read in a book - and how did you react?

I was just telling my 7 year old about this book that I read in middle school. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle. The little brother in it, Charles Wallace gets taken into this society where everything is the same, there's no individuality, and Meg, the heroine of the book is trying to save him. She realizes that the only way to save him and destroy the central power's hold over Charles Wallace is through love. 

She could love Charles Wallace. Charles. Charles, I love you. My baby brother who always takes care of me. Come back to me, Charles Wallace, come away ...
I think I cried every time I got to that scene. What about you? What was your most emotional scene?


  1. I haven't read that one but have heard of it!

    Old follower!

  2. That sounds nice. I haven't read it.
    Old follower. :)
    Here is my FF

  3. Haven't read that either. I don't necessarily cry when I read, but I do get emotional--with a variety of emotions, so not just sadness.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Such a wonderful story! Thanks for stopping by this week!
    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  5. Thanks for sharing. I hadn't heard of this book before!

    New Follower via GFC.

    Johanna @ Challenging Reads

  6. Hopping through. I read A Wrinkle in Time when I was nine. I think I was too young and too anti-fantasy/sci fi to appreciate it at the time.
    My Hop

  7. Oh man! I was so young when I read that book, but I definitely remember it being super emotional. Really should re-read it sometime.

    New follower via GFC and Twitter :)

    My F&F

  8. New follower. You have a very pretty blog.
    Happy Easter!
