
Thursday, March 28, 2013

REVIEW: Witchcraft by Emma Mills

Title: Witchcraft
Series: Witch Blood #1
Author: Emma Mills
Published Date: June 15th, 2012
Publisher: Self-published by author
Format: ebook
Pages: 320
Copy provided by: I Luv Tours
Genre: paranormal
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon
Rating: 3 1/2 stars
Synopsis: Jess is no ordinary vampire. Protected by the Manchester vampire clan, and initiated by her family’s east coast American coven, she is sought after by every dark witch and warring vampire faction. Jess must fight if she wants to keep hold of her friends, her sanity and finally her existence.
As the dead bodies of human girls begin to stack up, and her recently accepted vampire boyfriend, Daniel, finds himself in prison, Jess goes on a crazy, forbidden trip to London, racing against time to save an old friend and solve the mystery behind Daniel’s incarceration. In battling new enemies and finding new friends, Jess’s confidence finds room to grow, but who will she lose along the way?

My Review: I'd like to thank I Luv Tours and the author for providing me with a copy for review.
This was a good book. It was easy and quick to read. The story line was enjoyable. I'm not quite sure though at the end if the Daniel/Eva threads were completely wrapped up in a tidy package enough for me to let them go yet or not.
The biggest complaint that I have about this book (which is why I gave it 3 1/2 stars instead of 4) is that the end of the first book and the beginning of the second book didn't mesh well. It was so confusing that I had to go back and read the last chapter of the first book to try to get a feel of where the second book was starting from. I was still confused, and it took me a few chapters of the second book to get back into the rhythm of the book again.


  1. Even the synopsis sounds confusing to me! I think I will have to pass on this one. That cover is really creepy.

  2. I'm always looking for new paranormal series and authors and this sounds like an awesome to add.
