
Friday, April 5, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday #18

Alison Can Read Feature & FollowTo join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
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  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say "hi" in your comments and that they are now following you.
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Q: Have you ever read a book that you thought you would hate -- ? Did you end up hating it? Did you end up loving it? Or would you never do that?

No, I have never attempted to read a book I thought I would hate, and I never will. Why put myself through that? I read because I like to read, because I want to read, because I want to read THAT book. Why put myself through that torture?
Every book I read has to intrigue me at some level, even if it is very vague and minuscule.


  1. Great blog post! I agree with you, but sometimes I read a book I think I might hate just to see if I can prove myself wrong. I've discovered a lot of great books through going that. New follower via GFC! :)

    The Mile Long Bookshelf

  2. I agree! But I usually go through reviews and recommendations for it to see if I should pick it up. New Follower Also :)

    Happy Reading!
    My FF:

  3. I agree! I answered the same. I always make sure I'm gonna like a book, before reading it. :)

    New follower.
    My FF:

  4. New Follower via GFC!
    Nice blog. =)

    My FF:

  5. I wish I could do that. But after reading all these posts today about following our instincts I just might. Thanks for stopping by my FF. old follower.

  6. I wouldn't read a book I thought I would hate either. If I am mildly intriguied by one, and it could go either way, I might give it a try regardless of any doubts. And sometimes I was right and sometimes I was wrong!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I agree 100%! New twitter follower.

    Happy Friday!

    ~Pam @

  8. New follower! & completely agree with your response, if the blurb isn't great I will put off reading something even I think I will like it because I don't want to be disappointed!

    Our FF is here -

  9. I agree, although the only except are my text book, lol. I know I'm gonna hate those, but sadly they are books nonetheless, and they have to be read. Also, books that were assigned to me in Lit class.

    Here my FF:

    New follower via GFC
