
Monday, April 1, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's the time again! Monday...the day where I'm loading up on coffee to get myself through today.

I look back at last week's list and I'm amazed....I got through a number of books, but others I wasn't able to start on. Disappointing but this week, I promise to do better!

So this week looks like (based on tour schedules and the like):

  1. Starting Now by Debbie Macomber
  2. Forgotten by Sarah J Pepper
  3. Witch Love by Emma Mills
  4. The Boleyn King by Laura Andersen
I know I'll definitely get two of these done this week. I'm only about 90 pages away from finishing the first already. I can hope for more, but with Girl Scouts again this week and the start of softball practice this week as well, it doesn't look very promising.

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