
Saturday, September 7, 2013

REVIEW: God “Hearts” Me: A Bible Promise Book for Girls

Title: God “Hearts” Me: A Bible Promise Book for Girls
Author: Barbour Publishing
Series: none
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Incorporated
Published date: 7/1/13
ISBN: 9781624161377
Buy It Link: Amazon | Barnes and Noble
Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis: Introducing God “Hearts” Me, a brand-new Bible promise book featuring dozens of topically arranged categories and easy-to understand scripture selections that will encourage your heart with regular reminders of God’s love. Topics include: God Made Me, God Loves Me, God Thinks I’m Beautiful, God Keeps His Promises, God Gives Me Hope, God Forgives Me, God Is Always with Me, God Offers Me Eternal Life, and more.

Review: I received an electronic copy of this book through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. 

I liked reading this book. It's one of those books that are broken down into sections, so that if a girl is experiencing a hard time in a specific area of her life, she can flip to that portion of the book, and there are Bible verses that are applicable to that problem. 
I haven't read the entire Bible, and its been a long time since I've even opened one until recently, so some of the verses were a surprise to me, and I found applicable in my own life at this point. 
I've heard that the physical book is small enough to put in a purse, and that would be helpful. It would have been nice to have an option to get this book in its physical form rather than an ebook.

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