
Sunday, November 10, 2013

REVIEW: A Shot in the Dark by Jennifer Burrows

Title: A Shot in the Dark
Series: Book #1 of a yet unnamed series I believe
Author: Jennifer Burrows
Published Date: July 11, 2013
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
ISBN:  9781612962160
Buy It Links: Amazon
Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis: Most of the patients that are brought to the trauma bay in the ER remain nameless, and for the most part, faceless. For Laney Pearson and the rest of the staff, this makes it easier to move past the senseless death and destruction that they see on an almost daily basis. But all of that changes for Laney when she finds herself trying to pump the life back into a young motorcycle rider who arrives by helicopter more dead than alive. Skyler Smith has all the makings of the next great motocross rider, right up until he crashes while trying to perform the trick that will secure his future. From the time his motionless body is lifted off the track, the question becomes not when his next race takes place, but whether he will live to see another day. And now there is mounting evidence that the tragedy was no accident. Laney can never envision this boy's crash and the ensuing investigation will have such an impact on her own life, but in the days that follow, she discovers a life within her she never knew existed. While the police sort through the mounting evidence from the crash, Laney has to sort through her own feelings for the handsome trauma surgeon that she previously never gave a second thought. Is he really as charming as he seems, or is there another reality hiding? beneath the surface? And just how long has he been watching her?

Review:  I'd like to thank ABGReadsBook Tours and the author for giving me a chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
Being a part of the medical field, I absolutely love the story line. I love seeing the inside of any trauma, and the teams associated with it. Overall, this was a great story. I liked the characters, I loved Skyler. He was definitely my favorite character in the book. The story line hooked you from the very beginning and really didn't let go until the very end.
However, that being said, there were some details that were a little iffy. I work in the blood bank, in transfusion services, and I have yet to see someone go through 50 units of blood. A human body holds anywhere between 9 and 10 units. Twenty units would have been more believable. I've seen twenty units of blood go into someone. Now if it were a total of 50 units (blood, plasma, cryo and platelets), then, yes, it would have been believable. All I thought of was, "God I hope Skyler's not an O Neg....then the American Red Cross would have been really screwed." The other thing that I found to be a little strange was that the ending wasn't very well explained. The guy's high and suddenly he recognizes her? That was just a little on the weird side. I kept thinking that perhaps he had her confused with someone else.
Another thing was the writing style. It seemed very choppy at times, very mechanical. I wasn't a big fan of that, but the storyline saw it through.
Overall, I really do want to read the next book in the series, and it was better than it was bad.

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