
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

REVIEW: The Boleyn Reckoning by Laura Andersen

Title: The Boleyn Reckoning
Series: The Boleyn Trilogy #3
Author: Laura Andersen
Published Date: July 15, 2014
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Format: ebook
Pages: 416
ISBN: 9780345534132
Copy provided by: NetGalley
Genre: historical fiction
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Purchase: Amazon
Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis: Elizabeth Tudor is at a crossroads. After a disastrous winter, the Duke of Northumberland has been executed for treason while his son, Robert Dudley, claims from the Tower that the true traitor has not yet been caught. And though her brother, William, has survived smallpox, scars linger in the king's body and mind and his patience is at an end. As English ships and soldiers arm themselves against the threat of invasion, William marches to the drumbeat of his own desires rather than his country's welfare. Wary of this changed royal brother, Elizabeth assembles her own shadow court to protect England as best she can. But William, able to command armies and navies, cannot command hearts. Minuette and Dominic have married in secret, and after an ill-timed pregnancy, they take to flight. Faced with betrayal by the two he loved most, William's need for vengeance pushes England to the brink of civil war and in the end, Elizabeth must choose: her brother, or her country?

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley.
I hate reading the last of any trilogy I have enjoyed, it means its over and then what am I supposed to do? I've thoroughly enjoyed reading The Boleyn Trilogy, set in the "what if" part of history of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.
I found this book focused more on Elizabeth than in the previous books, or perhaps she was just more active than in the others. I enjoyed reading that, but I also saw many many similarities between William and his father in the way of thinking and actions. How illness destroyed whatever patience they had, and slowly turned them into emotionally unstable rulers. I found amusement that Jane Seymour was pushed in front of the king as a possible match and queen, and how Robert Dudley still had Elizabeth's affections no matter what. I guess some things will never change, even if Henry and Anne had a make heir.
I really enjoyed seeing Elizabeth grow into her role as a leader, whether it was from the sidelines or not, she still showed she was a force to be reckoned with. I am sad to see this trilogy end, but it was a great way to look into the :what if's".

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