
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

#GUEST POST and #GIVEAWAY: Favorite Supporting Character by Belinda Frisch

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Title: The Missing Year
Author:  Belinda Frisch
Published:  November 17th, 2014
Word Count:   72,000
Genre:  Contemporary Romance
Thirty-four-year-old Blake Wheeler was everything Lila had ever wanted. A rising-star surgeon with his whole life ahead of him, Blake gave Lila ten perfect years of marriage before plunging her into the hardest year of their lives.
When a late night shooting leaves Blake in a coma, Lila is faced with a difficult decision: continue life support or let him go.
One year later, Lila remains unwilling to speak, in a private mental health facility where she refuses to move on.
Dr. Ross Reeves knows firsthand about loss, having spent the better part of five years burying himself in his work. Tasked with the challenge of breaking Lila’s silence, Ross investigates Lila’s past and her husband’s death, finding more to Blake’s murder than meets the eye. A series of mysterious coincidences has Ross wondering if Lila is acting out of grief … or guilt.

Guest Post: Favorite Supporting Character by Belinda Frisch

Who is your favorite supporting character? Why?

My favorite supporting character in The Missing Year is Camille, hands down. I’ve never written a 

witty trickster or sarcastic troublemaker, though those personality traits are close to my heart. I did a 

brief stint in a high school theater troupe, and somehow that seemed the perfect fit for her. Camille 

is a bit of the folks I knew back then. She is a chameleon and lives to play a role. Unfortunately for 

my main character, Dr. Ross Reeves, that usually means pulling him out of his comfort zone and 

embarrassing him. 

In addition to her comic value, Camille’s suffered from the loss of Ross’s wife, her best friend, Sarah. 

The emotions she brings out in Ross help him erase years of focusing on Sarah’s illness, on her end, 

which have made him forget the woman he fell in love with. It’s easy when someone dies to focus on 

the most recent memories first. Camille is instrumental in Ross’s healing.

Camille is a mixed bag, and I like that about her. She stands up for and defends Sarah despite the fact 

that she’s gone. She realizes when she goes too far and always does the right thing. Is she passive-
aggressive? Maybe. But her intentions are always good. I love that about her. I hope readers will, too.

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About the Author:
*Runner-up Halloween Book Festival 2012 and optioned for film, Cure *Honorable Mention New York Book Festival 2014, Better Left Buried *Amazon Top 100 Medical Thriller, Fatal Reaction
After fifteen years of working in healthcare, Belinda Frisch’s stories can’t help being medicine influenced. A writer of dark tales in the horror, mystery, and thriller genres, Belinda tells the stories she’d like to read. Her fiction has appeared in Shroud Magazine, Dabblestone Horror, and Tales of the Zombie War. She is the author of Cure, Afterbirth, Fatal Reaction, Better Left Buried, and The Missing Year. She resides in upstate New York with her husband and a small menagerie of beloved animals.
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • 10 Kindle copies of Fatal Attraction or The Missing Year (winner's choice)
  • 10 ACX audiobook codes for Fatal Reaction
  • A $25.00 Amazon gift card
Giveaway is International.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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