Saturday, August 29, 2015

#REVIEW: Omega by SM Reine

Series: War of the Alphas #1
Author:  SM Reine
Published Date: April 2, 2015
Publisher: Red Iris Books
Format: ebook
Pages: 243
ISBN: 978-1508704379
Genre: urban fantasy
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 3 stars

Synopsis: Ten years ago, Deirdre Tombs died. When she was reborn the next day, Deirdre had become a shapeshifter who can't shift shapes. Nobody knows what animal she's supposed to be. She's definitely not a werewolf. The Alpha, Rylie Gresham, can't force her to transform like other members of her pack.

Now Deirdre is considered an omega, the weakest shapeshifter in the pack--a vulnerable position when Everton Stark demands tribute from Rylie. He wants to be the dominant Alpha. The only Alpha. And he plans to make her pack submit whether they want to or not. Stark can make every shapeshifter obey him by force of will alone.

Every shapeshifter except Deirdre.

The shifter who can't shift is the only hope for Rylie to win the war against Stark. It will take everything Deirdre has to survive undercover in his den. But can an omega's will be stronger than that of a charismatic, deadly Alpha like Everton Stark?

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book sets itself years after the world as we know ends. Some sort of destruction that is in one of the previous series by the same author, something known as Genesis. Genesis is kind of hard to understand if you haven’t read the previous series. I didn’t but I got the general gist that something big happens, everyone died, some came back as fantastical creatures, each with unique abilities. Except of course, our heroine, Deirdre. Deirdre is apparently a shape shifter who can’t shift, she has no animal to shift to. Of course, this is the tension, both self-inflicted and outside, that drives the story along. What is Deirdre willing to do to find out what animal she should be able to shift into and thus, become like everyone else?
While this story line had enough suspense to push the story along, there’s only so much self-hatred and angst a story can have, and it felt like it was a little overboard. At times, I was ready to slap some sense into Deirdre and tell her to get over herself. So she’s not like everyone else, guess what? Maybe her perceived weakness is actually her strength…somehow I think that is where the storyline is going.   

Friday, August 28, 2015

#BLITZ and #GIVEAWAY: Awakened by CJ Anderson

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 photo Awakened.png Title:   Awakened
Series:  The Gods and Guardians Trilogy #1
Author:  CJ Anderson
Published:  August 28th, 2015
Genre:  YA Sci-Fi Fantasy
Content Warning:  Mild violence
Recommended Age:  13+
Synopsis:  The new guy in town has a few secrets …one of which is the ability to levitate and use telekinesis to move objects – Dru Sanjay hasn’t been able to share his secrets with anyone. That is until he meets…HER.
Alayna West can see and experience emotions as color. Her only desire is to complete high school, go to college and create a better life far away from her rural roots. But plans change when she meets…HIM.
When Dru and Alayna meet they experience a hair raising, skin prickling, and unexplainable connection. As Alayna is drawn into Dru’s world, she learns of the Guardians; others like her who have special abilities, whose genetics can be traced back to the Gods. Only the Gods and the other Guardians are actually extraterrestrials who have been banned from Earth for the last 2,000 years.
Alayna’s plans for a better life are shot to H-E-double toothpicks when she discovers another gift and Dru struggles with keeping his last secret. All the while, the chemistry between them, along with outside forces, pose a threat that could change their futures forever.
Excerpt from Awakened – Book 1 of the Gods and Guardians series by CJ Anderson
"It all happens so fast. Dru is calling my name and I look up toward the cliff. When I move my head I catch a glimpse of something in my peripheral vision; something big, something that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up straight. It’s some sort of large and scary looking creature and it’s prowling straight toward me.
The creature is as large as a bear, but it has the body and head of a lion with something that looks like a goat rising out of its back and a long tail, at least six feet long, whipping around with the head of what looks to be a large, creepy venomous snake. My pulse quickens as if fear itself were trapping me and I’m incapacitated.
I think I must be either a) dreaming, b) crazy, or c) dead because then I see Dru flying through the air. What the hell? He is going to kill himself! What is he doing?
Dru slams into the monster; it flies through the air and then drops to the ground. As far as I can tell, with the exception of the snake, which is partially smashed beneath the body, the monster is knocked out. The snake head is making a high pitched hissing sound and it makes me feel sick to my stomach.
Then, Dru is right beside me holding me tight against him. Both of our hearts are pounding.
“Alayna! Alayna, luv, are you OK?” Dru asks, his voice uneasy.
I’m baffled. “Me? Am I OK? What about you? You just jumped, no flew, no, I don’t know what the hell you did but you just slammed into a...a …a…was that a chimera?!...and after jumping from that height, you just walked away!” I stammer.
“I know,” Dru says, “and I can explain. But first, I think we need to head back the way we came before our friend wakes up. She is going to be pissed off!”
He grabs my hand and we run. I’m fast, but it’s hard to maneuver through the woods with all the brush and vegetation, much of which is waist high.
We’re about a quarter mile from the motorcycle when we finally see the trail. Dru slows down for just a moment, looks around and grabs my hand. “Faster!” He yells. “It’s coming.”
I chance a quick glance behind us and see three enraged heads. One is roaring, one hissing, and one is making a terrible ear-deafening bleating sound. I run faster than I have ever run before, even faster than yesterday at the track. Adrenaline is rushing through my veins so quickly that it keeps me going.
We’re almost there but the creature is gaining on us. We can see the motorcycle at the bottom of the cliff. All we have to do is run down the hill and turn the corner and we will be home free."

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About the Author:
CJ Anderson has been obsessed with science fiction and fantasy for as long as she can remember. Star Wars, Superman and Transformers are among her earliest memories. But it was Madeline L’Engle’s book, A Wrinkle in Time, that first grabbed her attention as an elementary student to the genre in the world of books. She has been reading Young Adult, Science Fiction and Fantasy ever since!
Creating stories has been a life-long journey for CJ. As a young child she create stories to tell her imaginary friends. Later on in school, when she became bored during class, adventures in fairytale lands, were a common theme running wild in her imagination. It never really occurred to her to write them down, though, until she was older and taking a class on creativity. Once she started writing, she never wanted to stop. She says it’s one of the best decisions she’s ever made.
CJ has been teaching Gifted & Talented for six years and has been both encouraged and inspired by her students. She lives in Iowa with her husband, two beautiful daughters and two cats. When she isn’t writing, teaching or spending time with her family, you can find her working out, reading or fangirling, of course! The God Kissed: Awakened is her first novel and the first book in a planned trilogy.

Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • A $25 Amazon gift card
  • 5 $5 Amazon gift cards
Giveaway is International.

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#REVIEW: The Creole Princess by Beth White

The Creole Princess
Series: Gulf Coast Chronicles #2
Author:  Beth White
Published Date: April 7, 2015
Publisher: Revell
Format: ebook
Pages: 352
ISBN:  978-0800721985
Genre: historical fiction/romance
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 3 stars

Synopsis: Torn between loyalties to family and flag, one young woman is about to discover that her most important allegiance is to her heart.

It is 1776, and all along the eastern seaboard the American struggle for independence rages. But in the British-held southern port of Mobile, Alabama, the conflict brewing is much quieter--though no less deadly.

Lyse Lanier may be largely French in heritage, but she spends most of her time in the company of the ebullient daughter of the British commander of Mobile. When a charming young Spanish merchant docks in town, Lyse is immediately struck by his easy wit and flair for the dramatic. But is he truly who he makes himself out to be? Spies abound, and Spain has yet to choose a side in the American conflict. Is Lyse simply an easy mark for Rafael Gonzalez to exploit? Or are his overtures of love as genuine as Spanish gold?

With spectacular detail that brings the cultural gumbo of the Colonial Gulf Coast alive, Beth White invites you to step into a world of intrigue and espionage from a little-known slice of the American Revolutionary War.

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Since I am from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast area, I thought this would be a great book for me. I like the Revolutionary period so when I read the blurb, I was eager to start reading it. I started reading it from the moment I got it.
But I couldn’t stay in it; the book just didn’t have the staying power. The characters were enjoyable, but kind of two dimensional. While I truly wanted Lyse to rise above her circumstances, I didn’t feel compelled to read the story to see if she would. I did enjoy her change of heart regarding the Revolutionary Way, but with her personality, it was expected.
Rafe was an interesting character, only because of the intrigue surrounding him. Even that wore off rather quickly. I couldn’t understand the romance between Rafe and Lyse: barely a spark there and she pines over him, waiting for months at a time.
The action in the book was very choppy. There were moments when it would speed up and keep me engrossed and then it would abruptly slow down and completely lose me.
Overall, this book was a mild romance whose action was very choppy and barely kept me engaged. However, others may like it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

#RELEASE DAY: The Path by Tawdra Kandle


Summer's almost over, but there's still time for #OneLastBeachRead. And you're in luck because the perfect way to end the summer is now live and available everywhere!


Abby Donavan came to the small beach community of Crystal Cove to start over. After a painful affair broke her heart and derailed her burgeoning career, taking over management for the just-opened bed-and-breakfast was the safe choice. In this sleepy town, Abby figured she could bury her memories and forget the pain. When the chance to have her own hotel falls into her lap, though, she can’t resist the temptation. Making the old ipadrt_823x978Riverside Inn into the showplace she’s always dreamed of running offers the second chance she never expected. Abby didn’t expect another kind of second chance to land on her doorstep at the same time. Ryland Kent wants to help her bring the Riverside back to life, and his passion for restoration is irresistible. But as much as she wants to ignore it, she can’t help seeing another spark in his eyes . . . one that offers to reignite her own flame. Sometimes the path to a happily-ever-after is anything but smooth. Buy it now! iBooks/Amazon/All Romance Ebooks/Nook/Google Play/Kobo/Smashwords And join us here today at the HUGE release party, featuring both Tawdra and author Olivia Hardin!   [playlist type="video" ids="2758"]

If you haven't read the first two Crystal Cove Romances . . . now is the perfect time.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000035_00020]THE POSSE is free for a limited time only!

iBooks/Amazon/Google Play/Nook/Kobo "It is rare for characters to stay with me for weeks or months, but these are etched in my mind and heart." Amazon review    

And don't miss THE PLAN. Emmy and Cooper's story has both sizzle and heart.Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000035_00020]

iBooks/Amazon/Nook/Google Play/Kobo "Real. That's all I can feel for this story. Real. Real life. Real love. Real emotion. Real characters. They stick with you from the first book, to this second one in the series." Amazon review     TK03Tawdra Kandle writes romance, in just about all its forms. She loves unlikely pairings, strong women, sexy guys, hot love scenes and just enough conflict to make it interesting. Her books include YA paranormal romance, NA paranormal and contemporary romance, and adult contemporary and paramystery romance. She lives in central Florida with a husband, kids, sweet pup and too many cats. And yeah, she rocks purple hair. Follow Tawdra: Facebook/Twitter/Tsu/Pinterest/Instagram/Website/Newsletter/Amazon

#BLAST: Serena's Fall by M K Smith

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Title:   Serena’s Fall
Author:   MK Smith
Published:  August 4th, 2015
Publisher:   Champagne Books
Genre:  Urban Fantasy
Content Warning:   Minor language
Recommended Age:  14+
Synopsis:  Betrayed by her once-upon-a-naive-time friends, Serena, the last Water Fey, can’t touch any man she would ever want without dooming him to a hero’s brutal death. So she lives outcast among her own kind, caring for orphaned Fey children, casualties of an ancient war that broke magic and doomed the Fey to possible extinction.
Now her friends are back, desperate to use her powers to stop the return of the greatest evil the Fey have ever faced. Prophesy says if she doesn’t magic-up a hero and bond him to a mysterious, mystical sword, the human world will be the next to fall.
Two potential heroes surface—Lance, the free spirited surfer, and the doomed warrior Gramm. Both men want her, both need her, and both have a claim to her heart.
But Serena’s tired of human heroes dying because some Water Fey said so. With her combat boots strung tight and her corset even tighter, maybe it’s time to weave some new lines of destiny. Goth style.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads
Excerpt from Serena’s Fall by MK Smith:
I couldn’t stand still. I paced alongside the boxes and ran my nails down the cardboard. If I were a cat, my hair would have stood on end, and my tail would have twitched.

Chloe said nothing. Her eyes darted between Rachel’s and mine but couldn’t find a place to land. 

I waited for her to say something brilliant, but I didn’t expect anything would make me want to be part of her Alice in Wonderland insanity. This was Morían. Morían Le Fey. The walking genocide who painted the White Isle in blood, broke the flow of magic, and decimated every Fey clan this side of the veil in a single night—oh, and started a war that killed millions of humans.
Sure, we’ll handle her.

Heat radiated out from my core, and my skin tingled as if I were breaking out in a cold sweat. But Water Fey didn’t sweat. I tugged at my corset and wished I had laced tighter. We didn’t stand a single chance in all the nine hells at fighting one of the most powerful Fey in history.

“Well, I’m listening. But this is beyond crazy. We’re eighteen years old, not one hundred eighty. We’re barely old enough to even have powers by Fey standards. And the Incarnates, the most powerful Fey from each clan, who stopped her last time were thousands of years old.” I hoped I wasn’t sneering too loud.

Rachel ignored me and threw her best you’re wasting my time look at Chloe. “So, where is she staging her comeback?” Her tone said she wasn’t expecting much of an answer.

“The vision’s…complicated.” Chloe focused on Rachel, with less naked hostility, but her voice rose sharply. She chewed her bottom lip. Complicated my ass. She was hiding something.

“So you don’t know.” Rachel went right for the kill. “Was it even your vision?”

Chloe stomped her right foot. “Yes. It was.”

The proximity alarm sounded in my head. Crash imminent, I decided to speed it up so I could go home. Chloe’s moment to take the lead had passed. If she had straight answers she would have spoken up by now. She had to be hoping we could roll back to the days when—details irrelevant—we’d have done anything for each other.

Those days were gone.

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About the Author:
MK Smith writes urban fantasy with attitude, telling stories filled with quirky imperfect characters trying to survive life, friendship, and each other. Part Choctaw, all storyteller, a neighbor taught him to love fantasy when she gave him his first book. Since then he has flown on dragons, carried baleful magic in faraway lands, fought supernatural powers, and lived the melancholy of the eternal elves. But the Fey are closest to his heart. And he loves telling their stories round the fire or at his keyboard late into the night. And he’ll keep telling those stories until he becomes a story himself.
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • A $50 Amazon gift card.

Giveaway is International.

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Monday, August 24, 2015

#RELEASE DAY and #GIVEAWAY: No Strings Attached by Candy Caine

Two passionate stories of women finding love when they least expect it...

Never is Not Forever 
Claudia Brown has the perfect life, full of all the trappings of success. She has put herself through school and has worked hard to become the youngest English department chairperson at a prestigious ivy-league university. One trap she swears to avoid is marriage—a sure-fire way to constrain her career. Besides, she likes playing the field. But when Claudia realizes her biological clock is a ticking time bomb, she decides to have a baby—minus the attachment of the father. After a meticulous search she finds the perfect specimen: Robert Sterling, a smart, sexy, fellow professor. But she doesn’t factor in the one thing that can derail her entire campaign—falling in love with the sperm donor!

Forever Yours 
When Jade Green meets successful trial lawyer, Charles Trotter, she finds herself relaxing in the warmth of his smiles and his off-beat humor. Best of all, even though he is a blue-eyed hunk, she thinks of him only as a great guy to hang with—no drama, no intimacy, no possibility of shattered dreams. And wonder of wonders, he seems to feel exactly the same way! When Charles Totter meets Jade Green, he thinks she is a walking wet dream. As he gets to know her better, he finds he also enjoys her company and her quirky sense of humor. Now if he can only find a way to get her into his bed!

Never is Not Forever

Robert took another sip of his drink. In the background the music throbbed sensually. “I’ve been alone most of my life. My parents died when I was an infant and an aunt raised me until she died when I was fourteen. Then I was placed in a foster home until I was eighteen. I’ve always been afraid to get close to anyone for fear they’d leave me—or so says a psychologist friend of mine.” He grimaced wryly.
Claudia thought he was sounding more and more like the perfect candidate to be the father of her baby. “I never had much of a family life, either,” she admitted.  At least that was the truth.
As they continued to talk, Claudia found herself becoming more interested in him as a person, nearly forgetting why she had lured him there in the first place. Then the moment happened. He put down his glass and removed his glasses revealing the most beautiful teal-colored eyes she’d ever seen on a man. Before that thought had been completely translated by her brain, his lips were covering hers.
It was a gentle kiss, slow and thoughtful. In the background she could hear the sensual guitar music of Ottmar Liebert and marveled how much it fit the mood. Claudia liked how Robert’s mouth felt on hers and actually wanted more. Surprised at her reaction to the kiss, she realized she might not need a script, after all…

Forever Yours

Despite the fact Jade knew she should end things with Charles, it felt comfortable having breakfast with him. Worse, she could see making a habit of it. After they finished he insisted on helping her clean up. Standing next to him at the sink washing the dishes as he dried, she felt the heat rising from his body. The scent of his after-shave was intoxicating and going straight to her head. She wanted him to kiss her, but knew he wouldn't. Not after the last time. So she did the unthinkable and kissed him.
“This is for breakfast and two more inches to my waistline,” she said. “Thanks a lot."
He smacked his forehead and said, “I did it again, didn't I? I'm going to become a Pavlovian response. You’re going to equate me with food.”
“It's a distinct possibility,” Jade replied as she playfully punched his arm.
Charles gently took her face and held it between his large hands. She looked into his eyes as they sought hers. She had to be blind not to see the hope and longing there. “Are you going to run away this time?” he asked, his deep voice resonating with emotion.

Whether she’s writing a short story or novel, Candy Caine will make her interracial romances hot and spicy. Always striving to entertain her readers, Candy tries to breathe life into her characters, making life often interesting for her husband, Robert back in their home on Long Island, NY. And both are trying to teach their fifteen-year old yellow Lab, Sammy, new tricks. 

Candy loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her at

Visit her website at

Thursday, August 20, 2015

#BLAST: Bitter Sweet Cravings by Tara Oakes

The Finale of the Kingsmen MC Series is now available!

*** Warning- This book is intended for those over 18 years of age due to mature and sexual content. *** 

You've followed the Kingsmen from Jay and Lil's epic love story all the way through Clink and Charlie's tumultuous love affair. You've met everyone in between. Now, read the conclusion to the Kingsmen MC series. 

Can Jay and Lil's keep strong amongst the turmoil that inevitably comes with club life? 
Can Charlie and Clink find a way back to each other, beyond the betrayal that plagued them? 
And what about the newest Kingsmen? Can T.J. get past his guilt from losing a girl he thought he could share something with? Em's murder ripped into his soul, his conscience. Will he risk feeling that again, to find love? 

In this last installment of the Kingsmen MC, follow the twists and turns of the motorcycle club that has captured your hearts as it's threatened to be torn apart at the seams. 
Some of them will love, some will lose, but all will show the strength, the loyalty, the passion, and the grit that has made the Kingsmen what they are. 
The toughest, sexiest, hottest and most loyal MC of them all. 

You can purchase Bitter Sweet Cravings at Amazon US:


More About Tara Oakes
Tara is a thirty something newbie author from Long Island, New York. She's a voracious reader, a passionate writer and obsessive junk T.V. aficionado. When she's not doing one of those three things she is attempting to garden, hanging with her hubby or partaking in some retail therapy. She enjoys connecting with her readers and is having a blast entering into this new world of publishing.
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(Books 1-4 in one collection)
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#BLITZ: Show Time by Phil Harvey

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Monday, August 10, 2015

#BLAST and #GIVEAWAY: Madison's Song by Christine Amsden

madison's song tour banner 

MadisonsSong_medHer voice is enchanting; his soul is black… Madison Carter has been terrified of Scott Lee since the night he saved her from an evil sorcerer – then melted into a man-eating monster before her eyes. The werewolf is a slave to the moon, but Madison’s nightmares are not. Despite her fears, when Madison’s brother, Clinton, is bitten by a werewolf, she knows there is only one man who can help. A man who frightens her all the more because even in her nightmares, he also thrills her. Together for the first time since that terrible night, Scott and Madison drive to Clinton’s home only to discover that he’s vanished. Frantic now, Madison must overcome her fears and uncover hidden strengths if she hopes to save him. And she’s not the only one fighting inner demons. Scott’s are literal, and they have him convinced that he will never deserve the woman he loves. *Stand-alone companion to the Cassie Scot series
Put Madison's Song on your TBR list

Buy: Amazon | B&N


About the author:

Christine Amsden has been writing science fiction and fantasy for as long as she can remember. She loves to write and it is her dream that others will be inspired by this love and by her stories. Speculative fiction is fun, magical, and imaginative but great speculative fiction is about real people defining themselves through extraordinary situations. Christine writes primarily about people and it is in this way that she strives to make science fiction and fantasy meaningful for everyone. At the age of 16, Christine was diagnosed with Stargardt’s Disease, a condition that affects the retina and causes a loss of central vision. She is now legally blind, but has not let this slow her down or get in the way of her dreams. (You can learn more here.) In addition to writing, Christine teaches workshops on writing at Savvy Authors. She also does some freelance editing work. Christine currently lives in the Kansas City area with her husband, Austin, who has been her biggest fan and the key to her success. They have two beautiful children, Drake and Celeste. Website |Newsletter |Blog |Facebook |Twitter |Goodreads |Google+ |Literary Addicts  

Read the Reviews


Friday, August 7, 2015

#BLAST: Before I Break by Alec John Belle

"When religiously raised Cyril Hayes begins his junior year at East Hill High School, every choice he makes suffers a greater consequence.  While facing challenges of friends, family, and love, he learns that hate and intolerance are also a very large part of our world today.

Cyril Hayes is seemingly just like any other male his age. He has the perfect girlfriend, Melissa Summers, his best friend, Jake Rivers, and a lawyer father who brings home enough money to support his family and then some. When Cyril begins his junior year, he doesn't expect his life to spiral out of control when he meets Avery Branson, the new kid in school who has a big secret: he's gay. At first, Cyril doesn't handle this truth well, due to the way he was raised, but as the story progresses, he ventures deep into the reality of homosexuality and begins to accept Avery for who he is.

Not everyone is happy with Cyril's new friend, including Jake, who believes that homosexuality is a sin and is refusing to budge his beliefs. But Avery isn't the only one at East Hill with secrets. Soon a tragedy will strike, knocking Cyril's world completely off balance and leaving a scar on his heart that will change his view of humanity all together."


About the Author: 

Alec John Belle is an online high school student that resides in the state of Massachusetts. At the age of 16 he wrote his first novel, Before I Break. His hobbies include reading, writing, and obsessing over Pretty Little Liars. He writes about tough topics that many are too afraid to talk about like suicide, homosexuality, self harm, cyberbullying, anxiety disorders, addiction, among other teenage issues, and he often blends these ideas with the paranormal


"Alec John Belle’s bold debut novel, Before I Break, introduces a courageous new author with a voice unafraid to tackle tough social issues."

Alex Sanchez, author of Rainbow Boys and The God Box

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

#EXCERPT and #GIVEAWAY: The Soul Stone by Jamie Marchant

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Title:  The Soul Stone
Series:  The Kronicles of Korthlundia #2 (Standalone)
Author: Jamie Marchant
Published:  June 25th, 2015
Publisher:   Black Rose Writing
Genre:  Epic Fantasy
Content Warning:
Recommended Age:  18+

Synopsis:  In this sequel to The Goddess’s Choice (Reliquary Press, 2012), the Crown Princess Samantha and Sir Robrek struggle to solidify their rule in the aftermath of the king’s murder and Duke Argblutal’s attempt to usurp the throne. They are thwarted at every turn by those who seek power for themselves and desire to prevent their marriage. Just when they think their problems are solved, a deadly curse begins to spread throughout Korthlundia and Samantha becomes pregnant.
In my sword and sorcery novel, The Soul Stone, Samantha must fight off priests, enemies, and her closest advisors while Robrek discovers the reason the goddess chose him as king, to defeat the Soul Stone, a stone capable of sucking the soul out of its victims, which threatens to obliterate all life in the joined kingdoms. Their archenemy, the Bard Alvabane, awakens the Soul Stone and plans to use its power to reclaim Korthlundia for her people (a people driven out over a thousand years ago by the hero Armunn). Armunn had to sacrifice his life and soul to contain the Soul Stone. Will Robrek have to do the same? Will the young couple have only a few short months to love each other?
Although having read The Goddess’s Choice adds depth to The Soul Stone, it is not necessary. The Soul Stone is a complete story of its own.

Short Excerpt from The Soul Stone by Jamie Marchant:

At bedtime, Alvabane sat at her dressing table brushing her long hair. It had once been a bright, rich red, but it had dulled with age and was now mostly grey with only a few strands of color to remind her of what once had been. It seemed a metaphor for her life—small flashes of color to remind her of her once bright purpose.
One of those flashes, Erick, set her nightly goblet of fortified wine next to her hand. She needed the strong alcohol to dull the pain of her joints so she could sleep. Erick had served her for ten years. When her former servant had died, he’d been sent by her people, despite the fact that she’d only been a disappointment to them. 
She turned to thank him, but the words died on her lips as she saw the reproach in his eyes. Alvabane turned back to her mirror. Tonight was the night of the new moon. She should have been preparing to perform the rites of the dark gods, not preparing for bed. “They have forgotten us,” Alvabane said. “The Soul Stone does not live.”
In the mirror, she saw Erick’s eyes narrow. He was not yet twenty and still had the optimism of youth. He still believed the Stone would come to life again when the gods willed it. He believed it would again be the weapon it had once been. Created in the far past by magic which had since been lost, it had been used by her people to protect themselves from the barbarians that now ran free over Korth and Lundia.
“I will perform the rites next month,” she promised, but so had she promised last month and the month before that. The stairs to the bottom of the East Tower were agony to her knees. Erick made a mewing sound, reminding her what he’d sacrificed to serve her and the dark gods. She herself had cut his tongue from his mouth when he came to her as a ten-year-old child. He had surrendered it stoically. Only the Bards were allowed to sing the rites of the gods. All others who heard them had to be rendered mute so they couldn’t repeat music not meant for their tongues.
“Do you think you have sacrificed more than I?” She turned to face him. “I submitted to the brutish duke’s bed for years. I gave birth to a child of rape. All so I could remain near the Stone. I performed the rites faithfully every new moon for decades. And for what, I ask you? The power of the Stone remains trapped behind the shield the demon Armunn created from his own soul. That shield can’t be destroyed. I have dedicated my life to trying, but it is impossible. The Soul Stone won’t live again!”
Erick mewed again and looked toward the tapestry on the wall. It showed the map of the desert of Sehra, to the south of Korthlundia, where her people had lived in exile since Armunn and his hordes had trapped the Stone and then driven them from their homeland. Blinking back tears of despair, she turned from him. “Do you think I have forgotten? Every generation fewer of our children are born. Only by returning to the land of our birthright can we be strong again.”
She got up and went to the tapestry, touching it lovingly. “Do you not understand? The dark gods have found me unworthy to be their messenger. I once thought I was the child of the prophecy, the one who would drive the descendants of Armunn’s hordes back across the mountains into Korth and reclaim the land they call Lundia as our own. But I was wrong. I’m an unprofitable servant, an unfit vessel.”
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About the Author:
Jamie Marchant lives in Auburn, Alabama, with her husband, son, and four cats, which (or so she’s been told) officially makes her a cat lady. She teaches writing and literature at Auburn University. Her first novel The Goddess’s Choice was released in April 2012 from Reliquary Press. She released Demons in the Big Easy in January 2013. The sequel to The Goddess’s Choice, titled The Soul Stone, will be released in June 2015 from Black Rose Writing. Her short fiction has been published in the anthologies–Urban Fantasy and Of Dragons & Magic: Tales of the Lost Worlds—and in Bards & Sages, The World of Myth, A Writer’s Haven, and
Giveaway Details:
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Soul Stone Pendant
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • A Soul Stone pendant & copy of The Soul Stone (winner's choice, print or ebook if US, ebook if INT)
  • a $10 Amazon gift card (INT) 

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#REVIEW: The Cinderella Princess by Melissa McClone

Title: The Cinderella Princess
Series: Royal Holiday #1
Author:  Melissa McClone
Published Date: March 31, 2015
Publisher: Tule Publishing
Format: ebook
Pages: 163
ISBN: 9781942240532
Genre: contemporary romance
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis: Thanks to a philandering father, ad exec Emily Rodgers knows happily ever after doesn’t exist. Relying on a man only leads to heartache. She takes care of herself, and work defines her life. But Emily soon finds herself in the hands of a real-life prince who defines the words charming and sexy. Not to mention reckless. If Prince Lucas doesn’t find a royal bride, Emily’s dream of being named a partner at the advertising firm will die. 

Luc’s fun-loving ways have made him a magnet for scandal. His father gives Luc an ultimatum—find a wife on a reality TV show or be disowned. Rules require him to marry nobility, but after he meets the uptight American sent to find him find a princess bride, his search for Cinderella might be over. Too bad Emily wants nothing to do with him. Perhaps he can show her that fairytale endings can happen in real life…

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Have you ever read the storyline that goes something like….king tells son that if he doesn’t marry within a certain time, he will lose his inheritance? Yeah, I think I’ve read that one too, a few times. It’s a great fallback storyline when you don’t have any fresh ideas. However, that’s where the similarities end. Now the author puts that storyline into modern day, and not just any modern day, like literally, it could happen today. It’s the prince that makes the tabloids with his wild antics and partying hard lifestyle. Of course, tabloids don’t always show the real truth, only snippets of what they think the juiciest gossip is that will get people to buy the magazine. Add in a reality show to find a royal bride, which is probably the most unrealistic part of the entire book, and you have a storyline that will keep you reading. Both Emily and Luc find themselves shafted by their circumstances, and it’s this storyline that truly helped me to finish this book. Overall, it’s a fun little read to get away from reality for a little while, but don’t take it too seriously.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

#REVIEW and #GIVEAWAY: Black Man In a White Coat by Damon Tweedy

Title: Black Man in a White Coat
Series: none
Author:  Damon Tweedy
Published Date: September 1, 2015
Publisher: Picador
Format: ebook
Pages: 320
ISBN:  9781250044648
Genre: autobiography, racial issues
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis: One doctor's passionate and profound memoir of his experience grappling with race, bias, and the unique health problems of black Americans

When Damon Tweedy begins medical school, he envisions a bright future where his segregated, working-class background will become largely irrelevant. Instead, he finds that he has joined a new world where race is front and center. The recipient of a scholarship designed to increase black student enrollment, Tweedy soon meets a professor who bluntly questions whether he belongs in medical school, a moment that crystallizes the challenges he will face throughout his career. Making matters worse, in lecture after lecture the common refrain for numerous diseases resounds, "More common in blacks than in whites."

Black Man in a White Coat examines the complex ways in which both black doctors and patients must navigate the difficult and often contradictory terrain of race and medicine. As Tweedy transforms from student to practicing physician, he discovers how often race influences his encounters with patients. Through their stories, he illustrates the complex social, cultural, and economic factors at the root of many health problems in the black community. These issues take on greater meaning when Tweedy is himself diagnosed with a chronic disease far more common among black people. In this powerful, moving, and deeply empathic book, Tweedy explores the challenges confronting black doctors, and the disproportionate health burdens faced by black patients, ultimately seeking a way forward to better treatment and more compassionate care.

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Race has become a huge issue over the past year. After the church shootings at the AME church in Charleston, South Carolina, some of the women of our church decided to get together and read. Each of us would read a different book on the subject of race and report back in a month. It would open a discussion for us on the different aspects of racism in our society, and how we can effectively combat it. Having my career in the medical field, it was a blessing to find this book on Netgalley.
Reading this book truly opened my eyes to see how our society has molded, not only whites’ vision of blacks in a professional field, but blacks’ vision as well. It was refreshing to read that the author not only experienced racism of whites against him, automatically assuming he was a janitor instead of a medical student for instance, but also blacks against their own race, like when the black patient didn’t feel he would get the highest level of care from a black doctor versus a white one. The author also shows how affirmative action has not only helped the black people get better educations and better careers, but it has also set them up for failure unless they work twice as hard due to them not having the same high level of education (Ivy league schools versus state colleges). This book was very easy to read, the author has a very conversational style of writing which makes it enjoyable, though it can be a difficult subject to read about.  

There is a giveaway on Goodreads right now in case this book has sparked your interest. It can be found here.