Wednesday, October 28, 2015

#EXCERPT and #GIVEAWAY: Finding Home by Matthew Chase

finding home tour banner 

Finding Home - Front Cover While safety and peace seem like they should be birthrights, some of us are born into situations that simply don't allow for these niceties. With a father who sold drugs and a mother who depended on them, the world felt anything but calm to author Mathew Chase. Growing up in one of the toughest parts of Philadelphia, Mathew learned things in his first few years of life that most of us never have to learn, like how to survive hunger when there's no food in the house and no one there to notice . . . how not to cry or show fear while being beat with a shoe by a foster parent . . . how to mask any signs of vulnerability when passing the dealers and gangsters on the street . . . or how to fight when one or a bunch of kids jump you on your way home from school. Somehow, Mathew knew he had a choice. He could conform to the status quo and become a victim of the mentality generated by this environment, or he could find a way to break free and build a different kind of life. Joining the U.S. military at age 18 as an exit route from what he'd known forever seemed like a promising solution, but it carried an exacting price tag of its own. Mathew's childhood began to seem like it had been easy compared to the brutality of training and fighting in Iraq while witnessing the slaying of friends who had become like brothers. Would Mathew ever find home? Follow the author's journey through seemingly endless challenges and failures to understand how these selfsame circumstances mold him into a mature and courageous man. In Finding Home, pain and heartbreak are transformed to what they truly are - stepping stones to ultimate strength and personal freedom.


None of us wanted to drive on that street, fully aware of what could happen. I wondered if it would be our Stryker, or Attack 66, that would be hit with an IED. Were the insurgents planning to blow up one of our vehicles, and then attempt to ambush those remaining?
Braun made the left turn and drove cautiously down the road. Seconds later, there was a thunderous BOOM! Attack 66 had been hit by an IED! In an instant, all hell broke loose. There was dust everywhere, and pieces of earth rocketed upward by the blast rained down on our vehicle. Lt. Pierce told Ronan to move our vehicle forward a bit so I had a better three o’clock view. From the driver’s hole, Ronan reported that all he could see was smoke, dust, and a tire blasted off the vehicle, which had actually been thrown up into the air by the explosion’s force, and had landed upside down.
Fire seemed to be coming at us from every direction now, as we tried to establish communication with anyone on Attack 66.Lt. Pierce took charge from the commander hatch. “Matty, we’re taking fire from three o’clock. Get that 50 cal over there and fire into those buildings.” He paused, then added, “That three-story house over there…the tallest one. They’re firing at us from there."

Mathew Chase's Facebook Page | Literary Addicts

Follow the tour

Giveaway ends November 2nd, 2015 at 11:59 pm EST

#BLAST and #GIVEAWAY: Wind River Refuge by JM Anton

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Title:  Wind River Refuge
Author:  J. M. Anton
Published:  December 31st, 2013
Genre:   Historical Romance, Mystery, Thriller
Content Warning:  Mild sexual content, violence
Recommended Age:  18+
Awards: Wind River Refuge won the Romance Category in the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards
Synopsis:  Jax runs for her life and is apprehended by the police. She’s sentenced to a juvenile detention facility, at the tender age of twelve. Lockup becomes an unexpected sanctuary for the traumatized child. It affords a safe harbor from her abuser, but she’s plagued by nightmares well into adulthood. Fate and her Grandmother step in to successfully reduce her sentence, and she’s paroled into a distant cousin’s custody, and relocated to a cattle ranch in Wyoming. The young parolee finds the transition difficult at first. She spends the next nine years learning the ropes, making friends, and a couple of powerful enemies.
She’s been on her own since the age of ten and has of necessity become a fighter, but her aggressive in your face attitude hides a fragile, mistrustful soul. She’s unnerved when instead of her longtime friend, a dark imposing stranger shows up at the Denver airport to fly her home.
Sparks begin to fly when Garrett picks up his friend’s daughter. She’s not what he expected, and he has difficulty reconciling his mixed feelings about the exasperating woman. Jax drives him to distraction, like a chameleon she constantly changes right before his eyes.
Will the resulting fire when they stop fighting their mutual attraction be too hot for the unlikely pair to handle? Will their turbulent romance be able to withstand the attempts on her life?
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads

Excerpt from Wind River Refuge by J.M. Anton:
She scanned the immediate area again. “Well, there isn’t anyone around here that even resembles a McBride.” Dexter, and the rest of the male clan she was acquainted with, all had auburn or darker brown hair with a red cast. “What does he look like?”
“He’s very tall.”
“Come on Maggie, a little help here? You know that half the world looks tall to me.” Her disgusted observation brought a chuckle from the other end of the line.
“Oh… say, six foot four, broad shoulders, black hair and beard. Probably wearing jeans and a Stetson.” Jax was busy scanning the crowd while she listened to Maggie’s description of her assigned pilot.
“Wait a minute.” Phone receiver placed safely on the counter, she cautiously made her way around a column near the baggage claim carousel. All of the McBride men were big, but this one was even larger than the rest! She prayed, “Please, let him be someone else.” She sucked oxygen into her lungs, like a swimmer preparing for a deep dive, let it out slowly and skirted around the far side of the large column near where he stood. Jax mastered her trepidation and approached slowly, once she finished assessing the, dark, stranger from a safe distance. It was a supreme effort to sound calm and confident. “McBride?”
He looked down at her from his towering height. “You Jax?”
All she could manage was to nod her head. He was easily a foot taller than her, and had to weigh twice as much. She quickly executed a sharp one-eighty and fought the urge to run back to the phone. Her mouth suddenly felt dry and gritty! The usually simple reflex of breathing became a struggle. God! He was intimidating. At least Dexter was a known quantity, and his six foot two athletic frame didn’t bother her anymore. Fingers trembling, she fumbled with the receiver on the counter. Jax informed Maggie she’d found Garrett. Of course, Maggie wanted to speak with him. She turned around with the intention to call him over to the phone, and nearly jumped out of her skin. He stood right behind her, and she ran smack into his large muscular form.
“Nice language,” he told her with obvious disapproval.
“You scared the hell out of me! I didn’t realize you were there.” He looked at her as if she were simple minded. Jax shoved the phone at him, and then all but ran to claim her luggage.

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About the Author:
Author Anton is busy at work on the third and fourth books of the “Troubles in Love-Land Series. Look for “Firestorms of the Heart.” To be released the first quarter of 2016. “A Second Chance” will be released in the second quarter of 2016.
Don’t overlook J. M. Anton’s adult novel “Wind River Refuge. This Mystery/Thriller with a paranormal twist and an unusual love story won the 2015 “Indie Next Generation Book Award” for the Romance Category.
Keep your eyes on your favorite E-book outlet for “Cassandra: Night Shades,” due October of 2015. Paperback release target is January 31, 2016.
Ms. Anton authors an award winning children’s book series as Jackie Anton. Her inspiration, for these Backyard Horse Tales are the equines who share the small farm where she and her husband of forty-four-years reside.
Visit Janton’s Square Market Place to order an autographed print copy!
Order early to get in on a customer only drawing for a $25 gift card from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • $15 Amazon Gift Card

Giveaway is International.

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Monday, October 26, 2015

#SPOTLIGHT and #GIVEAWAY: The Demon's Grave by E.M. Maccallum

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Title:  The Demon’s Grave
Series:  The Demon’s Grave #1
Author:  E.M. MacCallum
Published:  June 2015
Genre:  Urban Fantasy
Recommended Age:  16+
Synopsis:  When strange shadows and messages plague Nora’s daily life she fears for her sanity. To escape questions from her family, Nora joins her friends on a weekend getaway. Despite not liking Aidan Birket, Nora finds his remote, Victorian house charming. Until they discover the marble doorway on the third floor and, against Nora’s better judgment, they open it.
Trespassing into an unfamiliar world called the Demon’s Grave, the group face a charismatic demon and six nightmarish Challenges as punishment. Those that make it to the end can go home, but those that don’t will be his forever. Friendships are tested, secrets revealed and sacrifices will be made.
Nora battles zombies, doppelgängers, eyeless bikers, and the demon—whose interests are more than just a game of cat and mouse. If it’s all in her head, then it should be easy. But, if not, it means the demon knows about her sticky past, and the death of her twin sister.
Read FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Excerpt from The Demon’s Grave by E.M. MacCallum:

“Aidan,” I insisted in a whisper.
A few car lengths north of the Chevy a stereo crackled to life. An echoing voice sang followed by a choir of voices that doo de doo’ed in the background. The slow song sounded like something from the 1950's.
Read and I exchanged a curious glance as the echoing main voice mentioned a game. Read pulled his hand from mine and we both wiped our slick palms on our jeans.
“What is it?” I asked Aidan. “What should we be looking for?”
He didn’t answer, his eyes kept wandering to the cars then down the street and to the motorbikes.
Read’s shoulders sagged, exasperated. He looked ready to say something when the roar of an engine smothered the music as well as my yelp. It stopped Read cold.
Aidan jumped and grabbed my arm as if I were the one to save him.
Craning my neck to see if there was a single vehicle taking up the roadway, I saw none. It had been so loud I couldn’t pinpoint the direction it came from.
The music began to take over the street once more, a new song erupting from the crackling speakers.
Between shallow breaths, Aidan said, “come on.”
Before Read or I could question him, Aidan stood up and started in long, purposeful strides, the kind that was harder to stop.
Read nudged me to move, or rather shoved me. Panicked, we hurried to Aidan. Looking to him, our pace quickened to keep up. Aidan stared straight ahead. His lean figure was rigid, but he hadn’t slowed.
Keeping close to the buildings, we passed the occupied car playing music. I could see three teenage boys inside. The muffled vintage music carried through the window.
I felt the scream choke in my throat as we passed. The passengers didn’t have eyes.
Their shapeless pale faces lacked not only the eyes but also mouths. The skin where lips should be had stretched horizontally, sealing any opening. The only portion of their faces that was noticeable was the lump of their nose—without nostrils. Even their hair was all the same color, styled the same, with a part in the middle, and they wore the same collared shirt and slacks.
I thought to myself, it’s just a few of the faceless, nameless people of this city, like any other...right? Maybe the demon had a sense of sick, very sick, humor.
I could hear, the eerie chorus of voices within the car, making it all the more surreal.
The three boys in the car watched us pass, as is if they could see. They turned their heads as we hurried along and I found myself staring back for as long as I could.

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About the Author:
E.M. loves long walks through bookstores, Disney, horror movies/books, anything supernatural, and researching random facts. She lives by a lake out in the Canadian wilderness with internet access, her husband and rag-tag band of pets.
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • GRAND PRIZE is a $25 Amazon gift card and an ecopy of The Demon’s Grave.

Giveaway is International.

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Friday, October 23, 2015

#BLAST and #GIVEAWAY: Conjuring Destiny by Brooklyn Ann

conjuring destiny tour banner 

conjuring destinyFamous rock star, Xochitl Leonine, has dreamt of a world with two moons where a black cloaked man beckons her. One Halloween night, she meets the mysterious stranger of her dreams… literally... and their shared dance becomes a rendezvous in a place of endless night. Zareth Amotken has no idea how important Xochitl’s heavy metal band is to her. As an immortal sorcerer, he doesn’t care. He has one goal: to find the prophesied savior of his world. Her voice holds the power to bring back his world’s vanished sun. Xochitl’s compassion urges her to help in any way she can. Yet learning the mysteries of her past causes conflict with her future in music. Her destiny in his world and her obligations to her band pull her in opposite directions. How can she long for one while the other is so dire? As Zareth introduces her to his people and teaches her to control her powers, she aches for his enchanting kiss. Zareth tries to resist, for their passion will unleash serious consequences, both political and magical. As the time to fulfill her destiny draws closer, she must choose between her heart, her duty, and her friends. The wrong choice could ruin everything. But if Zareth’s evil half brother succeeds in taking control of her for his own ends, he will take away her choices… and destroy the world?

Pre-order on Amazon


Meet the author:

SONY DSC Formerly an auto-mechanic, Brooklyn Ann thrives on writing romance featuring unconventional heroines and heroes who adore them. After writing historical paranormal romance in her critically acclaimed "Scandals with Bite" series and urban fantasy in her "Brides of Prophecy" novels, she now explores the chaotic realm of heavy metal music-- a difficult world to find love in.
She lives in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho with her son, her cat, and a 1980 Datsun 210.
She can be found online at as well as on Twitter and Facebook.
You can also find her on Literary Addicts, Goodreads and Google +

Follow The Tour

The author is giving away a $25 Gift Card to the winner's choice of bookstore. the store must be able to provide e-gift cards. 18+ giveaway ends November 9th, 2015 at 11:59 pm

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

#COVER REVEAL: First Ride by Tara Oakes

Tara Oakes is pleased to share the never before seen cover of First Ride, the first book in the Slayers MC Series!

*** This book is intended for those 18 years or older due to strong, mature, sexual content that is dark at times. *** 
"Since when are bikers the good guys?... They're filthy as SIN." 
Dawson McCade is used to having to fight for everything. He fought hard for his position as the President of one of the most ruthless, bad-ass, outlaw motorcycle clubs... the Riverdale chapter of the SLAYERS, MC. 
He's prepared to fight with everything he has against the newest threat to his organization... the Conquistadors drug cartel as it begins to move in on his club's territory. 
One thing he's not used to fighting, though, is against himself. Ever since the moment he first laid eyes on the innocent, angelic, Molly Donovan, his world's been thrown upside down.  He's a killer, an animal, with dark demons buried deep. Demons that he's used to help fuel the drive that's gotten him to where he is in life. He's not looking for redemption, he's not looking for temptation... hell, he IS the temptation. 
Molly, his "angel", brings a whole new threat to Dawson's life. One that can't be fought on the outside like everything else he's used to. She's going to cause a war within him, one that's more dangerous and terrifying to him than the bullets that the Conquistadors are sending his way. 
The Slayers MC are soldiers, fighters. Dawson's going to need every single bit of those things to lead both his club and his heart to victory. 
*This is a BRAND NEW series by Tara Oakes, authoress of the Kingsmen MC series. Although the two series will have slight overlap, this series is fully written to be read as a complete standalone from the Kingsmen. For those of you that have already fallen in love will Tara's sexy bikers, fear not... you're about to get a whole new group of alpha book-boyfriends to add to your collection.

First Ride is releasing November 10th, 2015!

You can add First Ride on Goodreads here:
And don’t forget to pre-order your copy!


More About Tara Oakes
Tara is a thirty something newbie author from Long Island, New York. She's a voracious reader, a passionate writer and obsessive junk T.V. aficionado. When she's not doing one of those three things she is attempting to garden, hanging with her hubby or partaking in some retail therapy. She enjoys connecting with her readers and is having a blast entering into this new world of publishing.
Newsletter Sign-Up:

Friday, October 16, 2015

#GIVEAWAY and #TOUR: Finding Home by Mathew Chase

finding home tour banner 

Finding Home - Front Cover While safety and peace seem like they should be birthrights, some of us are born into situations that simply don't allow for these niceties. With a father who sold drugs and a mother who depended on them, the world felt anything but calm to author Mathew Chase. Growing up in one of the toughest parts of Philadelphia, Mathew learned things in his first few years of life that most of us never have to learn, like how to survive hunger when there's no food in the house and no one there to notice . . . how not to cry or show fear while being beat with a shoe by a foster parent . . . how to mask any signs of vulnerability when passing the dealers and gangsters on the street . . . or how to fight when one or a bunch of kids jump you on your way home from school. Somehow, Mathew knew he had a choice. He could conform to the status quo and become a victim of the mentality generated by this environment, or he could find a way to break free and build a different kind of life. Joining the U.S. military at age 18 as an exit route from what he'd known forever seemed like a promising solution, but it carried an exacting price tag of its own. Mathew's childhood began to seem like it had been easy compared to the brutality of training and fighting in Iraq while witnessing the slaying of friends who had become like brothers. Would Mathew ever find home? Follow the author's journey through seemingly endless challenges and failures to understand how these selfsame circumstances mold him into a mature and courageous man. In Finding Home, pain and heartbreak are transformed to what they truly are - stepping stones to ultimate strength and personal freedom.

Buy on Amazon | B&N | Xlibris Publishing Co.

Mathew Chase's Facebook Page | Literary Addicts

Follow the tour

Giveaway ends November 2nd, 2015 at 11:59 pm EST

#SPOTLIGHT and #GIVEAWAY: The Hunter Awakens by J.R. Roper

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Title:  The Hunter Awakens
Series:  The Morus Chronicles Book 1
Author:   J.R. Roper
Published:  July 6th, 2014
Publisher:  Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing
Genre:  Middle Grade Action/Fantasy Awards:
2015 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Winner
Winner Best Children’s Novel 2014: Preditors & Editors Readers Poll
Literary Classics Seal of Approval: Highly recommended for home and school libraries.
When thirteen-year-old Ethan Morus is forced to stay on his grandparents’ old farm, he expects to find weathered barns, rusty tools, and a creaky house in need of fresh paint. What he doesn’t expect is to hear a legend placing his family at the center of an ancient treasure hunt. Or find burial chambers protected by poltergeists, or a secret lair guarded by an ancient beast. And least of all, Ethan doesn’t suspect that powerful sorcerers are watching his every move.
They’ve found Ethan and believe he is from a line of treasure hunters who possess a rare instinct to locate powerful artifacts. Whether he has the instinct or not, Ethan is faced with a choice–search the Morus property and find what they want or lose yet another family member.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodRead

  Be sure to grab your copy of The Hunter Awakens for the special tour price of only 99 cents!

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Excerpt from The Hunter Awakens by J.R. Roper

Mel closed her eyes and drew in long breaths as he passed. A hint of the sorcerer was all she smelled. He was alone.
She waited for him to near the summit, and when he was close she dropped to the ground and approached from well within the forest. When she reached the top, it was clear he’d already begun his conjuring.
The sorcerer stood in the middle of the hilltop, held his staff in front of him and spoke softly in the old tongue. He lifted the staff and slammed it into the ground. The earth groaned.
He looked to the sky. “Reveal.”
Mel followed his gaze. A faint shadow swooped through the clouds and she retreated behind a thick tree. It was the thunderbird—the harbinger of conjured storms.
From his messenger bag, a red orb rose into the air and wisps of wood fastened it to the top of his staff.
Mel glanced above and readied her throwers. She’d put out the thunderbird’s eye if it attacked.
The sorcerer gripped his staff with both hands and pointed the end toward the setting sun, the direction of Roseville. He lowered it slowly and spun, drawing a wide circle where grass shriveled. The smell of scorched earth forced Mel to hold her breath. She hated the smell of anything burnt and the old rock beneath the grass smelled like the burning of ancient bones.
Within moments, clouds rolled overhead. The orb’s red light pierced the early dark. The sorcerer grasped for the sky with his left hand and spoke an incantation that the wind swept away.
The last sliver of sunlight winked out, as if a shawl had been drawn over the sky. A fog chased up the hill like a tidal wave and clouded Mel’s view. The fog moved upward and the sky rippled with a surge of power. All heavenly lights darkened and Mel aimed a thrower in the direction of the sorcerer.
If he knew she was here and came looking for her, it’d be his last act on Earth. She feared no one. She was Hellish Mel.

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About the Author:
J.R. Roper is the author of The Morus Chronicles, a fantasy series for middle grade readers. The first two books, The Hunter Awakens and The Spirit of Steel are now available along with a collection of short stories titled Mel & the Black Rider. Roper’s work has appeared in ChildGood Magazine, Families First Monthly, and in anthologies by Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing, Horrified Press, and Thirteen O’Clock Press.
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Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • $25 Amazon gift card
  • 5 Kindle copies of The Hunter Awakens
Giveaway is International.

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Thursday, October 15, 2015

#RELEASE DAY: Glistening Swarm by Jill Cooper

Glistening Swarm Book 3 Ebook 092415Man’s reign is over. Now fear the day of the dragon.
The human resistance bands together—to fight for their very survival. Staying ahead of the glistenings led by the savage Victor is their top priority, but as the children they have sought to protect fall ill, their days are numbered. Fighting is their only chance of survival and it’s one that the passive glistening, Jake Monroe, has been dreading for over a year. But, he will have no choice but to meet the dragons head on. No matter the cost, no matter the personal sacrifice.
What happens when a dragon first tastes blood?

Buy on Amazon (currently in pre-order)

  box set - GH1 - GH2
Pre-order the box set | Glistening Haven: Book 1 | Glistening Rebellion: Book 2
Join us as we celebrate Glistening Swarm's Release Day on October 26th at 10 am EST! There will be fun prizes and games.

jillcooperAbout the Author:

I could write this in the third person. I could tell you what I like, where I was born, and what my favorite things are.

But instead, I'll say I don't want to write like everyone else. I don't want to craft stories you've read a thousand times before. I want my novels to be a cinematic experience, blending themes, genres, and situations unlike any you've ever read.

I want to break the rules. I want you to break out in a cold sweat as you read my books out of fear, love, and excitement. I want my books to be an experience. When you finish, I want you to feel something. Good or bad.

If you do, then I'll have succeeded. If not, I'll keep trying.
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Newsletter | Literary Addicts | Goodreads | Tsu

Friday, October 9, 2015

#FREE #BOOK: Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden

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SanctuaryeBookLeft Behind for the Hunger Games Generation

In a heart-racing thriller described as Falling Skies meets The Walking Dead, Jennie struggles to find a safe place for what's left of her family. But it seems as though there is no place sacred, no place secure. First the aliens attacked the sun, making it dimmer, weaker, and half what it used to be. Then they attacked the water supply, killing one-third of Earth's population with a bitter contaminate. And when they unleash a new terror on humankind, the victims will wish for death, but will not find it… When the world shatters to pieces around her, will Jennie find the strength she needs to keep going?

Buy on Audible / Amazon (Free until 10/9)/ Paperback

Pauline CreedenPauline Creeden

Pauline Creeden is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy. In her fiction, she creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long.

  Follow Pauline Creeden: Website | Facebook | Twitter

#BOOK BLAST: Doomed Soul by Robert Boomsliter

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Doomed Soul A man without faith shares his views as the end of life approaches.The views are reflections on religion, morality and death.The deeply religious will find little of interest here and may find some of the material incomprehensible. Some moderates who have noticed twinges of doubt or discomfort in certain beliefs may find some explanations for those feelings. The faithless will probably understand it all. It is the author's hope that for them, it will be a pleasant read.

Buy on Amazon

About the author:

Robert - Doomed SoulI am a retired electrical engineer, my career of 41 years spent mostly in Silicon Valley, California. I was one of those extremely fortunate individuals who enjoyed their work so much that it seemed unfair that I should be paid to perform it. My profession required some technical writing but I never aspired to author anything that would be interesting to the general reader. Doomed Soul is my first attempt to do so and I hope that its introduction is a clear explanation why I chose to do it. I currently live in Florida with my wife Babs and two bichon frise dogs named Boomer and Gabby.

 Find Robert on Goodreads and connect on Literary Addicts

Thursday, October 8, 2015

#BLAST: Drachen by Brendan Le Grange

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drachen A Marine Treasure-Hunting Thriller. Brett Rivera has spent three years searching for the Drachen, a sunken ship. The day she finds it is the day her life changes: there is no sign of its legendary treasure and now a cold-blooded killer is hunting her...A shipwreck. A lost treasure. A hell of a race from one to the other.

Buy on Amazon

About the author:

Drachen -brendanphotoBrendan le Grange was born and educated in South Africa, though he now lives between Manila and Hong Kong with his beautiful wife and daughter. As a business consultant, he has travelled to forty countries and lived in three. And it is reading binges to break up these transits - with the likes of Clive Cussler and Jack du Brul - that inspired the writer to emerge, bringing to life the cities, characters, and history he encountered. Le Grange's debut action thriller, Drachen, is a wild chase through North Europe along the Baltic coast. Based on a reimagined history of the medieval Hanseatic League, a young marine archaeologist discovers evidence of a treasure so valuable, it will test every allegiance.

 Follow the author on Twitter and Goodreads. You can also connect on Literary Addicts.

Monday, October 5, 2015

#BOOK BLAST and #GIVEAWAY: Seal The Deal by Makenna Jameison

seal the deal blast banner

SEAL the Deal_FINALShe needs his protection almost as much as she needs his heart... Rebecca Mayes has already endured more than her fair share of tragedy. After her husband was killed in a horrific car crash, she'd do anything to shield herself from more heartache. A highly sought after attorney, Rebecca's success in the courtroom has not come without costs. The disgruntled ex-husband of a client is seeking revenge on the one he blames for his troubles--and his sights are set on Rebecca. While she remains blissfully unaware, he's stalking her, and getting closer every day. Navy SEAL Patrick "Ice" Foster vowed to never be in a relationship again after watching his ex-wife slowly die of cancer. That type of anguish was more than he could handle in one lifetime, and there's no way anyone can change his mind. Despite their determination never to fall in love again, Rebecca and Patrick can't deny the connection between them. But when danger lurks around every corner, she knows there's only one man she can trust to protect both her and her daughter. But who will protect her from a broken heart? SEAL the Deal, a stand-alone novel, is book one in the new series, Alpha SEALs.

Buy on Amazon

Alpha SEALs Covers
Amazon Bestselling Author Makenna Jameison writes military romance and romantic suspense novels with hot alpha males, steamy romance, and happily-ever-afters. She loves reading, writing, coffee, the beach, and traveling to new places. Makenna lives in Washington DC with her husband and daughter. Makenna loves to hear from her fans! Contact her or join her mailing list by sending an email Website: Facebook: Twitter: Goodreads:  
The author is giving away an autographed copy of SEAL THE DEAL and $15 Amazon giftcard.
Giveaway ends Friday, October 16th at 11:59 pm EST.

#COVER REVEAL: Love Me Like That by Renee Kennedy

It’s a battle between her head and her heart.
Bailey Reynolds never thought she would ever in her life have to choose between someone that will give her everything she wants in life and someone that makes her feel like she is everything in his life. How does this southern spitfire choose between what her heart wants versus what her head tells her she wants? 
Can make her dreams come true
Reaches in the sky and buys any star she desires
Wants to set up a perfect life for her with everything she needs or could want
But every so often can't dry her tears
He's not perfect but he was until ~ CASH
Sets her world on fire.
He is everything her heart wants but, not necessarily what her head wants.
He creates his own stars and catches all her tears.
But is love enough?
Sometimes life is full of hard choices but that is when the biggest blessing take root.

Renee Kennedy grew up in Decatur, AL and has been married to her high school sweet heart for 23 years. She currently lives in the Houston, TX area with her husband Jason, her son Braxton, and one very spoiled Yorkie, Chico. She also has one son that is serving our Country in the military, Brett.

She loves living in Texas but she’ll always be a Bama girl and that is where her heart remains. Renee has always been an avid reader but never dreamed of writing a book, until reminiscing about her grandparent’s love story, Bailey’s story popped into her head. Her grandparents played a significant role in her life growing up, so sharing a little piece of them with the world, helps keep them alive in her heart.

When she is not reading or writing she loves to cook and try out new recipes. You can often find her hanging out with her family and friends or stalking her own favorite authors.

Chico, her mini Yorkie, runs Renee's house and her so his every need must be catered too, after all he is her 3rd baby.

Friday, October 2, 2015

#REVIEW: Regretting Redemption by Bonnie R Paulson

Mary's never been completely honest with anyone--especially herself.
The man she's supposed to marry reminds her of her father in ways she's suppressed for years--controlling, abusive, and manipulative. The sisters she's finally found don't understand her shame or confusion.
When Ian enters the picture with his British accent and Montana tan, Mary starts to question the past and her loyalty to a father who took away all her chances at true happiness.
Can Mary help her sisters break free from their father’s diabolical past? Or will his sins corrupt any chance at true happiness with Ian? And herself?

My Rating: 4 Stars

My review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is the fourth book in a series of five, about five women who find out they are literally sisters from the same mister. That mister is the now-deceased, evil gang leader, Devlyn Caracus.
I loved watching Mary's character grow from a shy, meek, mousy, downtrodden woman to the strong, capable woman she has become by the end of the book. Her character development was fantastic. Ian's on the other hand, left much to be desired. He seemed to stay very much two dimensional, and I wish he could have been fleshed out more.
The book was entirely too short to give their relationship truly even a label of relationship. By the very end of the book, it felt like they were still so new, the relationship hadn't been given enough space to grow and develop.
I liked Mary's story, and I love the overall storyline. I can't wait to read the conclusion.

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BonnieBonnie R. Paulson mixes her science and medical background with reality and possibilities to make even myths seem likely and give every romance the genetic strength to survive. Bonnie has discovered a dark and twisty turn in her writing that she hopes you enjoy as much as she has enjoyed uncovering it. Dirt biking with her family in the Northwest keeps her sane. Follow on:

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

#SPOTLIGHT and #GIVEAWAY: The End is Now by Connor Titus

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Title:   In The Foothills of Mt. Empyreal: The End is Now
Author:   Crystal Connor, writing as Connor Titus
Published:  August 6th, 2014
Genre:  Horror, Dark Fantasy
Content Warning:  Adult content and violence
Recommended Age:  17+
The Order of The Sentinels. The Order of The Learned. The Order of The Writs. The Order of the Cloth. Angels. Demons.
Trapped and isolated, the residents of Fates Keep come to realize that they are not alone…
In a world with two realities the imaginations of author’s Crystal Connor and Lori Titus are unleashed upon the unsuspecting people living in the Foothills of Mt. Empyreal and the fate of all the world hangs in the balance.
One town. One catastrophe. One story told two different ways. What started in the foothills of Mt. Empyreal could be the end of us all.
Excerpt from The End is Now by Connor Titus:
When deception and lies ascended to paradise, all silver-tongued and golden haired, Emerson was already dead, Jerrod was on earth, Jason was on patrol, and William, the youngest of the Celestials, was on duty.
Rythy was chained to her cell with irons of fire; the bars of her chamber had been fortified with the blessings from God himself and her wings had been clipped. She was fed, but only given enough to eat to sustain life ... not strengthen it.
Regardless, William was terrified of her.
And more so of late as she no longer yanked her chains while hurling protest and insults. Instead, she sat, like a cat with her tail wrapped around her feet.
He liked it better when she acted like a caged animal.
William hadn’t seen Emerson or Jerrod for days, but was just as relieved when he looked up from the logbook and saw Dianna.
Looking into her golden face was like being roused from some terrible dream. “Boy, I am sure glad to see you; did you come to audit the log?”
He turned the book so that she could see it. There was only one problem, the officer he was speaking to was not Dianna.
“Oh, William, I almost forgot,” Dianna started as she rounded the corner and came face to face with her...self.
Rythy started laughing, and with impeachable timing and flawless execution, all hell broke loose in heaven.

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About the Author:
Washington State native Crystal Connor has been terrorizing readers since before Jr. high School and loves anything to do with monsters, bad guys, rogue scientific experiments, jewelry, sky-high high heel shoes & unreasonably priced hang bags. She is also considering changing her professional title to ‘dramatization specialist’ because it’s so much more theatrical than being just a mere drama queen.
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
Grand Prize (INT):
·         Signed Copy of The End is Now
·         Signed Copy of The Guardians of Man
·         Signed Copy of The Darkness
·         Free Code for the audiobook ...And They All Lived Happily Ever After!
 First Prize (US):  
·         Signed Copy of The End is Now
·         Signed Copy of The Guardians of Man
·         Free Code for the audiobook ...And They All Lived Happily Ever After!
 Second Prize (US):
·         Signed Copy of The End is Now
·         Free Code for the audiobook ...And They All Lived Happily Ever After!
Third Prize (INT):
·         Free Code for the audiobook ...And They All Lived Happily Ever After!

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