Friday, May 30, 2014

GUEST POST: By KSHITIJ BHOUMIK the author of Agony

Synopsis of Book: Set in a small county of Ireland, Agony depicts the struggle of Kewy, a young high school art teacher. Kewy find herself tormented by a series of haunted dreams, one connected to another. The dreams take her to a god forsaken place dwell with evil and are surrounded by death, fear and hopelessness. Even when she was awake, she hears strange voices and eerie knockings at her doorsteps. Things buried in her past, started communicating with her in the form of nightmares, sickening her soul and questioning her existence.
Kasper is a grocery boy who works at Finke’s- a popular shopping store in Louth. He has never seen anyone as mysterious and charming as Kewy. Einin is a catholic teen studying in Kewy’s art history class. She just needed a look on Kewy’s face to understand her agonies. Kasper and Einin, quickly become comfortable with Kewy and get involve in her problem, not knowing what they are getting into, not having the slightest idea that what waits for them in those dead woods. But as the three entered into Reinhardt County- the place from Kewy’s dream, they realize it was never about the fear and survival. The truth was earth shattering, but it becomes too late to get away from it...

Buy Link: Amazon | Barnes and Noble

Guest Post: My First Publishing Experience

It was the summer of 2010, when I decided to publish a book. It’s like being way ahead of time, since I was yet to write something. By then, I’d not written any blog or article, just few movie reviews and that too for the pictures, which I absolutely loved. I was pretty much clueless. Only thing I knew was I want to write. It was a sweet problem- a matter of creating something fresh and straight out of imagination. My ardent love for books, from the early days ignited my passion for writing and I knew, once I embark on my affair with fiction, there’s no turning back. So I started rummaging the links inside my restive minds for few days- feeling, laughing, soliloquizing in solitude, and trying to get into the heads of my characters. And the first time I sat in front of my laptop to type the first word of my first manuscript- it was magical. The feelings were short of describing and I kind of regretted of starting late, denying myself the pleasure of getting lost. I felt I was doing anything but writing, as the words started spurting out like repressed emotions. Chaotic, messed up as my life veered into a totally unexplored corner of my mind. I never knew, that part of me existed, though I’d my doubts. When I wasn’t writing, I pondered over the not so perfect lives of my characters. Nonetheless, it took me almost three years to complete ‘AGONY’. I rewrote plots, changed endings, introduced and reintroduced characters until I was satisfied.
   I never knew how hard a publishing and promotional journey could be, especially for the first time writers, but in a way, my ignorance proved blissful- as I took all the time in the world, writing to best of abilities, without getting bogged down by ‘what lies ahead’. Self-publishing, turned as a blessing because it sped up the post-writing process and provided all sorts of autonomy.  Whether to go with self publishing or hook to a traditional publishing deal is a matter of luck and personal choice. But I learnt one thing. One shouldn’t compromise with her/his writing and never be hesitate penning down her/his perspective. Not if one loves writing.
It’s so self-inspiring to see my name in print- making me want to do two things- write more, write better. And one important point: if you want to get it out in public- get it out loud, since there are lovers of almost everything. It’s just a matter of finding them.

Author Links: 
KSHITIJ lives near New Delhi, India. He loves writing and reading fictions, particularly the ones that envision the dark corners of human mind. He loves travelling and exploring the cultures and people through the medium of reading, travelling and watching. He was born in 1986 in Agra.
Twitter @PartridgeIndia

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