Friday, January 30, 2015

#BLITZ and #GIVEAWAY: A Scoop of Love by Unoma Nwankwor


  Author is giving away Two (2) $10.0 Gift Cards from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Enter contest below. Title: A Scoop of Love Author: Unoma Nwankwor Released: January 30th 2015 Publisher: KevStel Group LLC ASIN: B00RPI2616 Genre: Christian Romance Fiction


scoop_of_love_cover The oldest of the Danjuma brothers, Rasheed was a self-made man. He’d learned at an early age that love and commitment brought with it complications he didn’t want to deal with. His single- minded focus had paid off. He was able to step into the shoes of his absentee father by taking care of his mother and twin brothers. But just when he thought he could stop carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders, he gets a call that could change the trajectory of Rasheed’s life. Ibiso Jaja, a professional caterer, had gambled on the love of a man and lost. Through the redeeming love of God, she had picked herself up and was now living her dream as the owner of Bisso Bites, a bistro in the heart of Abuja. However circumstances conspire to threaten the bistro and bring her face to face with the type of man she has vowed to avoid. The attraction is instant. Once again, Rasheed is forced to do something he has done all his life – put the needs of his family ahead of his own. This time however, he crosses path with the sassy, independent, Jesus-loving caterer who is bent on making him see the power of forgiveness and God’s love. Just when Rasheed lets his guard down, a deadly sabotage causes old demons to rise. Will Rasheed continue to pursue power and success or surrender to the light of God’s love?

unomskylo1acooltext1885520243  Unoma Nwankwor is a self- proclaimed romantic. She is passionate about telling stories that are uplifting and life changing sending the message of faith, hope and love. Her readers are in love with her unique way of telling stories that capture the essence of her present home base; Atlanta Georgia and her Nigerian culture. Her stories which center on forgiveness, faith and hope have been described as a fusion of faith, romance and African spice. Unoma is also the published author of An Unexpected Blessing (2013) , The Christmas Ultimatum(2013) and When You Let Go (May,2014).

     Website                   Facebook                  Twitter 

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Author is giving away Two (2) $10.00 Gift Card from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Two winner will be randomly chosen via rafflecopter.

 Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author Unoma Nwankwor  and is hosted and managed by Paulette from Write Now Literary Book Tours. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send an email to Paulette @

Thursday, January 29, 2015

#REVIEW: The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by John Gottman

Title: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert
Series: none
Author:  John M Gottman
Published Date: May 16, 2000
Publisher: Harmony Publishers
Format: ebook
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9780609805794
Genre:  self-help
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis: Just as Masters and Johnson were pioneers in the study of human sexuality, so Dr. John Gottman has revolutionized the study of marriage. As a professor of psychology at the University of Washington and the founder and director of the Seattle Marital and Family Institute, he has studied the habits of married couples in unprecedented detail over the course of many years. His findings, and his heavily attended workshops, have already turned around thousands of faltering marriages.       
This book is the culmination of his life's work: the seven principles that guide couples on the path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship. Straightforward in their approach, yet profound in their effect, these principles teach partners new and startling strategies for making their marriage work. Gottman helps couples focus on each other, on paying attention to the small day-to-day moments that, strung together, make up the heart and soul of any relationship. Being thoughtful about ordinary matters provides spouses with a solid foundation for resolving conflict when it does occur and finding strategies for living with those issues that cannot be resolved.    
Packed with questionnaires and exercises whose effectiveness has been proven in Dr. Gottman's workshops, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the definitive guide for anyone who wants their relationship to attain its highest potential.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the result of Dr. John Gottman's many years of closely observing thousands of marriages. This kind of longitudinal research has never been done before. Based on his findings, he has culled seven principles essential to the success of any marriage.
Maintain a love map.
Foster fondness and admiration.
Turn toward instead of away.
Accept influence.
Solve solvable conflicts.
Cope with conflicts you can't resolve.
Create shared meaning.
Dr. Gottman's unique questionnaires and exercises will guide couples on the road to revitalizing their marriage, or making a strong one even better.

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I needed to read this book. There are so many times when I feel like I’m too busy to stop and actually listen to my husband, or I’m too frustrated with the situation to hear him out or give him the support he needs. With this book, I have made a concerted effort to put down whatever I am doing and face him to listen to whatever he feels he needs to tell me about. I’ve learned to be more supportive, even if it may be a situation I may not agree with.
And you know what? I’ve seen a difference. He’s more willing to talk to me, and we’re happier than we were. Or maybe I’m happier and its spilling over into my marriage. Either way, it doesn’t really matter, as long as my marriage improves, right?

I don’t like how the author constantly talks about how great he is, and how he’s done this, this, and that. However, once you get past all that me stuff, the book has some very useful things in it that make it definitely worth reading.

#REVIEW: How To Catch A Prince by Rachel Hauck

Title: How to Catch a Prince
Series: Royal Wedding #3
Author:  Rachel Hauck
Published Date: expected February 24, 2015
Publisher: Zondervan Fiction
Format: ebook
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780310315544
Genre: contemporary romance
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 4 ½ stars

Synopsis: Corina Del Rey is happy with her life in Melbourne, Florida. She spends her days engrossed in her career as a journalist and has her sights set on climbing the corporate ladder-if for no other reason, to distract herself from her dissolving family. But when she is confronted with the past she fought so hard to put behind her, she struggles to make sense of her future.
Prince Stephen of Brighton Kingdom has moved on since the tragic death of his buddies in Afghanistan. A star professional rugby player, he has no intention of looking over his shoulder at what could've been
But when a notice arrives in the mail requiring his and his wife's appearance before the courts to dissolve their marriage, he must deal with the questions rumbling around in his heart. He thought his marriage had been annulled long ago, but his memories of Corina Del Rey remain close. Does he still love her? Can he even find her? Above all, can he tell her the truth about that fateful night in Afghanistan seven years ago? If he does, he might really lose her forever.

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Ever since I read the first in the Royal Wedding series from Rachel Hauck, I have fallen in love with both the series and the author. In her previous two books, Once Upon a Prince and Princess Ever After, two very American, very normal, everyday women, Susanna and Regina, are turned into princesses with their very own happy ever after’s. They are absolutely wonderful books, and I highly recommend that you read at least one of them, if you haven’t already.
This book though, deals with an American socialite, like one who has hung out with Paris Hilton type socialite….you know, the 0.01% of the world that holds most of the money? Though usually I find characters like these hard to connect with, the author made Corina Del Rey very likeable and empathetic. Though she has more money than God through a trust fund (she drops 10 million on a painting without batting an eyelash), she still holds a day job, and has friends who are your everyday working people.
Prince Stephen, on the other hand, is not only the Prince of Brighton, second in line to the throne, but also a star rugby player in his country of Brighton, playing professionally, until an ankle injury sidelines him. He’s likeable enough, though hard-headed and stubborn, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. There were many times I wanted to take his ankle boot and hit him over the head with it.
In this book, there is a much bigger Christian theme going on, much stronger than the previous two books, with even a supernatural element to it as well, and it helps push the storyline along with a hint of mystery. I think I would have rather seen this more in the previous two books, as a reader could think that God only shows Himself in such ways to the wealthy and privileged.

Overall, the book was another fantastic story from Rachel Hauck. If you haven’t read any of her books, I suggest you go read at least one and introduce yourself to this awesome author!

#PROMO: Hanging On by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind: Raw Faith by Elizabeth Chalker


Title: Hanging On by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind: Raw Faith
Author: Elizabeth Chalker
Paperback: 470 pages
Genre: Christian Non-Fiction
Format: Paperback/Kindle
ISBN-10: 1612151205 ISBN-13: 978-1612151205

author photoElizabeth Chalker is still in the furnace of life’s' calamities and fighting the good fight of faith and endurance, keeping her eyes on the prize of heaven. Before serious, physical illness devastated her body, Elizabeth was on the fast track as a successful psychologist and addictions specialist, working with violent juvenile offenders and their families, near completion of her third graduate degree. Her life is a testimony of faith that is steadfast and remains no matter the seemingly dark, unjust, and treacherous circumstances of life. She resides in Lighthouse Point, Florida. Elizabeth continues to minister to those in need and aspires to show God's glory through every breath she takes. This is a real life story of being in the fire, where I currently remain, where my heart for the Lord has become increasingly insatiable. A deepened intimacy has developed and continues to grow even through this very moment, and will continue beyond. As you read, this is my hope and prayer for you as well.
book cover
I have one book currently, “Hanging On by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind: Raw Faith”. This is a book that was written while still in the midst of trials with no promise for the suffering to end. It took 10 years to write while suffering serious, physical illness. My prayer for the book is to inspire individuals to self-examine and find their core; to realize that we are all children of God and therefore, one in Him. We tend to see life and our circumstances as if from under a quilt as it is being made, where all that is seen is a bunch of haphazard threads from our view. God’s view is from above where everything comes together and forms a beautiful and complete picture. My hope is also to encourage individuals to seek love and extend love. One of the most important messages of the book is to strengthen anyone who reads it, to cause him or her to embrace all of who he or she is, the parts we deem ‘dark’ and unacceptable as well as the parts we see as praiseworthy and pleasant. Most importantly, my hope is that the reader will embrace intimacy in relationship with God and realize that raw expression of heart, no matter how unacceptable to the world, is honorable in the eyes of God and welcomed.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

#TOUR: White Night by Kathi Haacke Morehead

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White Night BookCover croppedJoanna Anderson Campbell lived the perfect life ... loving daughter and sister, loyal friend, faithful wife, and devoted mother. She was happy and content. What more could she have asked for? Life could not have been better. At least ... that's what she believed. Until she died. Can death teach the most valuable lessons about life? Jo Campbell is about to find out.
 Autographed Copy:
  Buy on Amazon (Paperback) | Kindle

Kathi - White Night Author Pic    About the author: Kathi Haacke Morehead makes her fiction debut with WHITE NIGHT. She is the author of HEART BLEED: Letting go and stanching the flow, and THE BEST FROM THE CHEAP SEATS. She has also written numerous articles for Mind Body Green, and Boomeon. She also blogs daily at A View From the Cheap Seats Today. Kathi lives in Brunswick with her husband Dave and their four finicky felines. Her motto is "love and laugh!"        

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Monday, January 26, 2015

#GIVEAWAY: Green Resolutions Giveaway Hop


Welcome to the Green Resolution Giveaway Hop, hosted by Happy MotheringEasy Green Mom and Brittleby’s Corner through the Green Moms Network!

This great group of green blogs wants to help you make resolutions to live a more eco-friendly and healthy life this year! At the bottom of this post is a list of other blogs offering great prizes and a super grand prize that you can enter by clicking on those links and following the directions.
  Self-Counsel Press has decided to expand into Green living, and to celebrate, they are giving away a set of the first three books in their green reference series right here on our blog!

 These books are Greening Your Home: Successful Eco-Renovation Strategies, Greening Your Office: Strategies That Work, and Greening Your Boat: A Successful Year-Round Plan.
2015-01-15 13.59.08

We have all three to give away, and you can read our review of the of the Greening Your Home book here.  Since neither of us has actively owned a boat in over 25 years, we really didn't feel qualified to review the Greening Your Boat book - but you can still win it! 


Enter these other GreenMoms Network Giveaways:   Disclosure: This contest will run through January 31, 2015 at 8:59 pm PST (11:59 pm EST). The winner will be chosen the following day and announced on on this post on Green Lifestyle Changes. No purchase necessary. US entries only. Must be 18 years or older to win. The sponsors provided me with free copies of these books to review, and I was under no obligation to review them if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. You understand that you are providing your information to Green Lifestyle Changes and not to Facebook. Please note that Happy Mothering, Easy Green Mom, Brittleby's Corner, the Green Moms Network and the Naturally Healthy event bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. We have represented each sponsor with the expectation they will fulfill their prize and in a timely manner. We will contact the sponsor regarding your prize(s). The sponsors, in most cases, are shipping their items to you directly. I will make every effort to assist you obtaining your prize. If there is an issue with a sponsor, please notify the blog you won a prize from within 4-6 weeks for assistance, after that we may be unable to assist you.

#REVIEW: Whiskey Witches Season 1 by S M Blooding

Whiskey Witches Book Tour

Detective Paige Whiskey comes from a long line of witches. They may not all be the most powerful, but they are outspoken and supportive of their community. She alone has no gifts. She can’t summon fire, can’t read minds. She knows the arcane. She’s studied it. That, along with her connection to the Whiskey Witches, lands her some pretty strange cases.
Like the sacrificial murders of St. Francisville, Louisiana. There’s a killer on the loose, choosing people in a vain attempt to raise a demon. Not just any demon, though. A man born long ago, made a demon in order to protect the Gate to Hell.
Together with demon hunter, Dexx Colt, her kitchen-witch grandmother, and her paranormal investigator brother-in-law, they unravel a conspiracy far bigger than a few simple murders, and re-discover Paige’s gift.
She’s a demon summoner and she’s key to the killer’s plan.
Pre-order on Amazon

 RATING: 3 1/2 stars

REVIEWI received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book was unlike any book I've ever read in the paranormal genre having to do with angels and demons. The basic story line is very good. The author does a wonderful job of showing the whole spectrum emotions of the main character, Paige, as she reacquires her gifts and her memories.
The action seemed a little off-kilter, either there wasn't enough of it, or there was too much and it was getting confusing. Speaking of confusing, the entire background story was confusing. I just couldn't seem to get a grasp on it. As a reader, that was very frustrating to me.
The background story behind angels and demons was so backwards from everything that you have been taught, you really need to re-wire your brain while reading this book. I wasn't sure I liked that. It was good in that it allowed the author to flesh out the demons a little more, but the angels just seemed so off, so wrong somehow.

Meet the Author:
SM “Frankie” Blooding lives in Colorado with her pet rock, Rockie, and Jack the Bird. Jack has refused to let her to take up the piano again, but is warming to the guitar. It might help that Frankie has learned more than two strings. She’s added a few more Arabic words to her vocabulary, but don’t invite her into conversation yet—unless, of course, you’re willing to have a very . . . slow . . . conversation.
She’s dated vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, weapons smugglers and US Government assassins. Yes. She has stories.
Find out more about her at:

#EXCERPT and #GIVEAWAY: Dream Slayer Finale by Jill Cooper

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Resolve  EbookThe epic two book finale starts here. The stakes are higher. And the enemy is one of their own. It's all come to this. This moment in time. Everything Natalie Johnson has fought for. Newly promoted paladin commander Natalie Johnson is about to bring the demonire tracking system online. If she's successful Meadow's Creek may finally be safe from bloodsuckers. If not, the egg on her face will be enough to make a gourmet omelet. But when old friends and foes begin showing up in town under questionable circumstance, it's clear something new is on the horizon. The murder of a prominent official threatens to cripple the brittle peace Natalie has brought to town. Alternate realities and timeline jumps all converge revealing truths, deceptions and worst of all, roads not taken. Natalie must face her worst fears, her biggest regrets, and most of all a deep longing that nothing will ever be the same again. Meanwhile a long sought after ally brings them all to the brink of madness. And his betrayal? Could be the biggest heartbreak of them all. In the tradition of young adult vampire fiction such as Twilight and Buffy the Vampire slayer, comes The Dream Slayer.

Buy on Amazon

Fury Ebook  The 2nd part in the epic finale starts here. Once [SPOILER] believed in her and now, one last time, Natalie will put everything to the test to bring him back. But with half of Natalie’s team in critical condition, the fight won’t be easy. WOMP’s order to shoot [CENSORED] on sight to protect their vast empire of secrets will pit Natalie against the organization she’s been faithful to since she first heard the word paladin. Now that relationship will be put to the test. Natalie will find a way to restore his soul, no matter the risks. No matter the stakes. Even if it means revealing her identity and location to her mortal enemy. And the end? Well, it might just prove to be the very beginning. In the tradition of young adult vampire fiction such as Twilight and Buffy the Vampire slayer, comes The Dream Slayer.

Buy on Amazon


Natalie's eyelids trembled shut. "It would never work between us. You and theslayer... I can never move past that."
"I know." Damien lowered his hand. "She's more important to you than everything else. That's why I stayed away. I stayed with WOMP, debriefed for weeks. With Operations finally dead I was able to find clarity. I cleaned up my act. Updated my look. I shed the darkness and shadow that have haunted me for years. I stepped into the light."
"For me?" Natalie croaked. If it was all for her, she didn’t know how she could ever say good-bye. Such a sweeping romantic gesture.
"To prove I could be worthy. That I don't have to be the one who isn't right for you. That I could be right, and not wrong. But being here." Damien glanced around the room and shrugged. "It's complicated enough and you don't need me here. Tristan's a good guy. He'll treat you well."
Damien moved to leave, but Natalie snatched his fingers to keep him grounded to his spot. "And if he doesn't understand me like you do? If he doesn't see that the warrior Natalie is the same as regular Natalie? That they can’t be separated?"
He stroked her hair gently. "Then he's a fool." Damien whispered. "I must go, I'm sorry if I've caused you pain." He kissed her hand and then was gone.
Natalie closed her eyes and cried silent tears. From the window she watched Damien stand on the curb. He glanced up at her. Their eyes locked and in that moment, Natalie lost all her resolve. All her will power. She raced down the stairs and out the front door into the rain.
"Rich!" Natalie screamed, running onto the sidewalk.
Damien turned. "Natalie?"
"Don't go!" Natalie called and charged after him with every intention of flinging herself into his arms. But just as she was about to she was hit by a flying body. It was Andre. With a squeal, they both tumbled to the ground as something whizzed by Natalie's ear and shattered a potted plant on the porch. She tried to push herself up, but Andre instructed her to stay down, using his body as a shield across her.
"Sniper on the roof across the street." Eric said into his collar, hopping over the white fence that bordered her home. "Secure a perimeter around it. Don't let that guy out of your sight!"
"Natalie!" Damien squatted down low to check her for injury. "Are you hurt?"
"No." Her body shook as Natalie realized what just happened. She looked at Andre. His eyes were studying the street and then the horizon, clearly looking for something, but his face was calm and complacent. He snapped his gum.
"Did someone just try to...assassinate me?"
"Yes, Ma'am." His voice was calm, collect. "This is why you need a security detail, Ma'am."
"You could have been killed." Natalie said as he helped her off the ground.
"It's my job, Ma'am. I'd take a bullet for you any day." Andre passed her to Damien like she was a baton in a relay race. But the weight of his words hit her. Sure, Andre was a loyal agent and one of her body guards, but to sacrifice his life so readily? For her? "Get her inside, would you Smith? Stay with her while we lock down the area?"
Damien nodded. "Tonight I will be going nowhere."

Finale Promo

jillcooperAbout the Author:

I could write this in the third person. I could tell you what I like, where I was born, and what my favorite things are.

But instead, I'll say I don't want to write like everyone else. I don't want to craft stories you've read a thousand times before. I want my novels to be a cinematic experience, blending themes, genres, and situations unlike any you've ever read.

I want to break the rules. I want you to break out in a cold sweat as you read my books out of fear, love, and excitement. I want my books to be an experience. When you finish, I want you to feel something. Good or bad.

If you do, then I'll have succeeded. If not, I'll keep trying. Website | Twitter | Facebook | Newsletter | Literary Addicts | Goodreads | Tsu  

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Friday, January 23, 2015

#REVIEW and #GIVEAWAY: A Groovy Kind of Love by Karen Wojcik Berner

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A-Groovy-Kind-of-Love-800 Cover reveal and PromotionalUptight British lit lover meets a free spirit at a book club and his world is turned upside down! After placating to his father’s demands that he play Little League baseball and major in computer programming in college rather than his beloved English literature, Thaddeus assumed that several years into his career, he would finally get some peace and quiet. Then he met Spring Pearson, the younger, free-spirited daughter of Hippie parents, at a book club meeting. Instantly smitten, Thaddeus finally worked up the courage to ask Spring out. But will an old college pinkie-swear promise Spring made fifteen years ago get in the way of this bibliophilic romance? ”A Groovy Kind of Love” is the third and final installment of Karen Wojcik Berner’s Bibliophiles series. Written as stand-alone novels, each book focuses on one or two members of a fictional suburban classics book club, revealing their personal stories while the group explores tales spun by the masters.

RATING: 4 stars

REVIEW: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I loved reading this book. It caught me from the very beginning with Thaddeus' visit to the library to get his library card. I remember bringing my kids to get their first library cards too. It was so poignant. Of course, there is the typical tension between Thaddeus the bookworm, and his father who wants him to be the sports-loving athlete of the family. Eventually, Thaddeus stands up for himself, but capitulates when college comes. Eventually though, Thaddeus has his own life, and joins the book club.
Spring on the other hand is the product of two hippies who still toke up on their breaks, and leave little Spring alone in the juice bar business they have.In fact, Spring seems to be an afterthought to them most of the time, and she seems to read to escape the overwhelming responsibilities put on her young shoulders.
They meet through their shared love of reading, and a true love story begins.
The book itself was quick to read, and fun to watch the characters develop through their childhood into the adults they would become. The author did a wonderful job of allowing us as readers to empathize with both Thaddeus and Spring. I think I enjoyed part one more than part two, the developing relationship between Thaddeus and Spring somehow seemed a little too drawn out.The end, though, was amazing!

Buy on Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Smashwords | Kobo

Karen - groovy
  Author Bio: Karen Wojcik Berner writes contemporary women’s fiction, including the Amazon best-selling series, the Bibliophiles. An award-winning journalist, her work has appeared in several magazines, newspapers, and blogs, including the Chicago Tribune, Writer Unboxed, Women's Fiction Writers, and Fresh Fiction. She currently serves on the Author Council of and is a member of the Chicago Writers’ Association. When not writing, she can be found on the sidelines of her youngest’s football or lacrosse games, discussing the Celts with the oldest, or snuggling into a favorite reading chair with a good book and some tea.
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Enter to win a $25 Amazon or B&N gift card - winners choice. 18+ Giveaway ends 1/30/15 at 11:59 EST

#COVER REVEAL: Bitter Sweet Deception by Tara Oakes

WARNING*** This novella is intended for those 18+ of age and contains strong language, sexual content, and adult situations. The Kingsmen M.C's saga continues in this newest installment of Tara Oakes' tantalizing new series. In the first three novella's you've come to know and love the characters within the club. Jay and Lil's have had their epic love story play out over the pages of "A Lil' Less Broken", followed by "A Lil' Less Lost" and finally, "A Lil' Less Hopeless". While their fairytale is far from over, the next arc in the series concentrates on some of the other intriguing characters that have been woven throughout Jay and Lil's storyline.
The question on everyone's mind is.... WHO IS CHARLIE? And what is she hiding? Planting herself deep within the club's inner circle, Charlie came to Chisolm with one goal in mind... to destroy the Kingsmen, M.C., no matter the personal cost. An unknown hatred fuels her mission to take them down. Pairing herself up with one of the club's bad boy's, the M.C.'s enforcer, Clink, seemed like just the ticket to get her in the door. Once inside the club she had been eyeing from afar, she comes to realizes things are very different from what she had imagined them to be. Villainizing the group as a whole for an injustice that was done to her many years earlier no longer seemed to fit with growing attachments and relationships she was forming. And then there's Clink. He may very well be the wild card thrown into the mix that derailed Charlie's plans from the get go. Originally, serving as nothing but a way in to the club, and a body to warm her sheets at night, Clink has thrown Charlie for a loop. Determined from an early age to never need a man, Charlie can't help but find herself drawn to him in a carnal and ethereal way. She's tried to fight it, to deny it, but it was in vain. He calls her sugar... but, she's anything but sweet. A chance twist of luck placed Charlie right in the middle of club politics, where she was able to help free the club's Vice President, Jay, from serving time for murder he did not commit, but willingly confessed to in Book 2. Her risk earned her the hard earned respect and admiration that is hard to come by in the world of the M.C. Now that she finally has a place of her own in life, a place where she belongs and is wanted... is she willing to give it up? Give Him up? Willing to let it all slip through her fingers? Find out in Book 4 of Tara Oakes' Kingsmen M.C. series, "Bitter Sweet Deception".
If you're looking forward to Bitter Sweet Deception, releasing on FEBRUARY 25TH, make sure you pre-order a copy:Amazon US


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Tara is a thirty something newbie author from Long Island, New York. She's a voracious reader, a passionate writer and obsessive junk T.V. aficionado. When she's not doing one of those three things she is attempting to garden, hanging with her hubby or partaking in some retail therapy. She enjoys connecting with her readers and is having a blast entering into this new world of publishing.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

#REVIEW: Let There Be Light by Archbishop Demond Tutu and Nancy Tillman

Title: Let There Be Light
Series: none
Author:  Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nancy Tillman (illustrator)
Published Date: December 2, 2014
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Format: board book
Pages: 30
ISBN: 9780310733966
Genre: biblical children’s book
Purchase: Amazon | Thomas Nelson

Rating: 5 stars

Synopsis: A boardbook edition of the popular Let There Be Light, the story of Creation from Nobel Peace Prize winner, bestselling author, and cultural icon Archbishop Desmond Tutu paired with Nancy Tillman, the phenomenally successful New York Times bestselling children’s author/illustrator of On the Night You Were Born.
Now available as a board book, Let There Be Light combines the love and warmth of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu with the extraordinary talents of bestselling illustrator Nancy Tillman. This retelling of the biblical story of creation vividly portrays the wonder and beauty of God’s creation on each of the seven days. Using Archbishop Tutu’s lyrical text from the* Children of God Storybook Bible* and Tillman’s remarkable illustrations, this popular book brings the story of creation to life for readers young and old.
My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
In my classroom in our church, we have a copy of Archbishop Tutu’s Children of God. I’ve used it before in class, the children and I really enjoy the language of his writing of popular Bible stories. When I saw this board book available through the publisher, I jumped at it, eager to review such a great story from his larger book.
The illustrations are absolutely beautiful. Nancy Tillman has done an incredible job of keeping the open, loving spirit of Archbishop Tutu’s storytelling and putting them into pictures. The pictures are bright enough to capture a young toddler’s attention and the easy story line is enough for pre-kindergartner and kindergartner children to understand.

I loved flipping through this book, and even more so, enjoyed passing it onto the next generation.

#BLAST and #GIVEAWAY: His Angel by Kimberly Blalock

The events that unfold will change who Abigale Hayes is forever.
Publication Date: December 31, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Series: The Angel Trilogy, #1
When Evan Young walks into Abigale Hayes’s life she falls; mind, body, and soul for the man she thinks he is, having no idea that the secrets he holds in his hands will destroy the girl she is.  Abby must decide how the truth will affect the relationship that has her craving more with every breath she takes and how she will take revenge into her own hands. Evan will die to protect Abby and will kill for her too. The events that unfold will change who Abigale Hayes is forever.

Kimberly has been writing since she was a young girl growing up in Kansas City, Mo. Reading and writing has always been a big part of her life. She enjoys a world she can get lost in while reading a good book. A wife and mother to four beautiful children she decided she wasn’t busy enough. She spent some time chasing down fugitives as a bounty hunter then laid down her hand cuffs and finished her college degree in nursing.

Kimberly loves discovering new music to jam out to and loves anything that’s different. Her many interests include Google, you heard it! Google. If you need to know any unusual or interesting fact she has searched it and can recite it. Her motto is: Why be the same as everyone else when you can stand out?

When Kimberly isn’t writing or playing superhero for her children, she takes care of her patients as a Registered nurse in the field of hospice.

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