Saturday, May 30, 2015

#REVIEW: The Choosing by Rachelle Dekker

Title: The Choosing
Series: A Seer Novel
Author:  Rachelle Dekker
Published Date: May 19, 2015
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Format: paperback
Pages: 448
ISBN: 978-1496402240
Genre: dystopian
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 3 1/2 stars

Synopsis: “Not to be Chosen would yield a cruel fate of my own making.”
Like all citizens since the Ruining, Carrington Hale knows the importance of this day. But she never expected the moment she’d spent a lifetime preparing for—her Choosing ceremony—would end in disaster. Ripped from her family, she’ll spend her days serving as a Lint, the lowest level of society. She knows it’s her duty to follow the true way of the Authority. 
But as Carrington begins this nightmare, rumors of rebellion rattle her beliefs. The whispers contradict everything she’s been told; yet they resonate deep within. 
Then Carrington is offered an unprecedented chance at the life she’s always dreamed of, but she can’t shake the feeling that it may be an illusion. With a killer targeting Lints and corruption threatening the highest levels of the Authority, Carrington must uncover the truth before it destroys her.

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I truly thought this book would drag, I mean come on, it is 450ish pages long. I was surprised when I started it one day and finished it the next. Carrington’s story pulled me in to the point where I needed to know what would happen next.
The society created by the author is painful at times to read, how much women’s rights have fallen since now, but it set up an amazing tension between what Carrington was raised to believe, and finding her own self-worth. Had she actually been Chosen, she never would have searched her own self-worth. She was just as happy in the society as everyone else, never questioning, as long as things went as expected. Even when they didn’t, she never showed any hint of rebellion.
This book isn’t like other dystopian books, where the heroine is an obvious choice, already standing out from society with her rebellious deeds or ideas, always questioning society as it is. Carrington is just as well-trained as every other mindless sheep in that society.
Over all, this book is an interesting read. Does the end set up for a good enough cliff-hanger for me to crave the next in the series? Not so much, and that disappoints me.

About the Author:

The oldest daughter of New York Times bestselling author Ted Dekker, Rachelle Dekker was inspired early on to discover truth through storytelling. She graduated with a degree in communications and spent several years in marketing and corporate recruiting before making the transition to write full-time. She lives in Nashville with her husband, Daniel, and their diva cat, Blair. Visit her online at 

1. How did you come up with the story for The Choosing?

This is a hard question because it has many answers. I wanted to write a theme-based novel about identity. I wanted to write a dystopian novel. I wanted to write in a world that was familiar, but in a setting where I could change the way the world worked. It actually is several ideas I’d been toying with pulled into one story. Once I landed on Carrington’s core revelation and story arc, I simply fell in love with her as a character and drew the rest of the story around her. That’s usually how it works for me. I come up with a character, good or bad, and create the story from there.

2. You based your main character, Carrington, off of your younger sister. In what ways is Carrington like her?

It’s more the beliefs that Carrington struggles with that remind me of my sister. The idea of worth, of not feeling like you’re enough, or questioning whether anyone would choose you. Carrington came about as I spent time with my sister and her college-age friends and saw that a large majority of them were searching for significance, searching for worth—none more than my sister at the time.

3. Throughout the book, Carrington struggles with understanding her identity and worth and what is true. Why did you decide to write about the theme of identity?

Someone once asked me, If you could leave one message for your younger sisters, what would it be? The answer was always the same: I would pray they knew what they were worth. Identity is everything. There isn’t a theme that doesn’t start with identity, or circle back to identity. Knowing who you truly are is the greatest journey we face. Am I enough; am I worth it? I believe everyone faces these questions, and I sought out to explore them through this story.

Monday, May 25, 2015

#REVIEW: Siren's Fury by Mary Weber

Title: Siren’s Fury
Series: Storm Siren Trilogy #2
Author:  Mary Weber
Published Date: June 2, 2015
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Format: hardback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781401690373
Genre: fantasy
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 3 stars

Synopsis: "I thrust my hand toward the sky as my voice begs the Elemental inside me to waken and rise. But it's no use. The curse I've spent my entire life abhorring—the thing I trained so hard to control—no longer exists."
Nym has saved Faelen only to discover that Draewulf stole everything she valued. Now he’s destroyed her Elemental storm-summoning ability as well.
When Nym sneaks off with a host of delegates to Bron, Lord Myles offers her the chance for a new kind of power and the whispered hope that it may do more than simply defeat the monster she loathes. But the secrets the Bron people have kept concealed, along with the horrors Draewulf has developed, may require more than simply harnessing a darker ability.
They may require who she is.
Set against the stark metallic backdrop of the Bron kingdom, Nym is faced with the chance to change the future.
Or was that Draewulf’s plan for her all along?

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was very disappointed in this book. The previous book was incredible but this book was slow to get to the action. I found Nymia this time around to be angry, desperate, weak-willed, and rather pathetic. Once her Elemental powers were taken away from her, she became a sniveling, desperate, power-hungry woman who lashed out at everyone she encountered.
For half of the book, the action paced a snail… in molasses…. in February. Once the first half was done, the action picked up considerably, and I was actually happy to read the book. Still not happy with Nymia’s attitude…no seriously, she needed an attitude adjustment.

It wasn’t until the last 5 pages that Nymia finally learns her lesson: “I let out a dry chuckle—because isn’t that the truth of it all right there. That who we are is not our abilities. Not really. It’s more who we are in spite of them.” But it’s a very painful, slow lesson for the reader to have to go through, to watch Nymia be so pathetic because she lost her Elemental powers, she’s not resilient enough to find her own inner strength. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

#TOUR: My Soul to Wake by Tara Oakes

Witchcraft. Reincarnation. True love. These are the things of legend. Unexplained, some even say impossible, but nonetheless prevalent in stories and tales from all cultures and in every land from the beginning of time. What if there is something to it? What if there is an explanation behind the mysteries and bedtime stories? Something beyond words? SALEM, MASSACHUSETTES 1692 She was taken from him in the cruelest way... condemned, sentenced and punished out of fear of the unknown. How is he supposed to live without her? How can he go on knowing that in this life, by the natural order of things, they will never be together? There's only one thing to do... only one option that will bring them together again. SALEM , MASSACHUSETTES TODAY Amelia is taken on a weekend excursion with her best girlfriends to let loose, relax and have a little fun. What harm is there in a little vacation? It's not like the legends, the haunted history of the place can scare them away. It's all harmless fun. Or so she thought. Something seems familiar about the town. The trees, the winds, the feel of everything. Her ever present nightmares have become more intense within the limits of the old historical setting. She's prepared to write off the whole trip as nothing more than a case of her mind running away with the sensationalized magic here. When she meets a handsome stranger who's eager to know her in a way no one else can, she begins to think there may be something more to this place, something more to him. Will has been waiting, biding his time, and praying that she'll come back. He's broken the natural order of things to possibly find her again, weaving their way through the years until they can be together again. He knows he may never find her, but he can't risk not trying. This place calls to her, just as it did to him. It will bring her back home. It will bring her back to him. What's 300 years when it comes to true love? He's prepared to wait an eternity if he has to, just to see her, hold her, kiss her again.. to make her remember what was stolen from them so long ago. To make her remember who she is, the power she possesses and the love they swore to each other.If you'd like to purchase My Soul to Wake, feel free to grab your copy here:


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Tara is a thirty something newbie author from Long Island, New York. She's a voracious reader, a passionate writer and obsessive junk T.V. aficionado. When she's not doing one of those three things she is attempting to garden, hanging with her hubby or partaking in some retail therapy. She enjoys connecting with her readers and is having a blast entering into this new world of publishing.

Friday, May 22, 2015

#REVIEW: Forty Days Through Genesis by Ron Rhodes

Title: Forty Days Through Genesis
Series: none
Author:  Ron Rhodes
Published Date: February 1, 2015
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Format: ebook
Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780736960960
Genre: Bible devotional
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 3 stars

Synopsis: The opening scenes in the story of redemption are essential for understanding what the rest of the Bible has to say about God, the world, and you. As you uncover the mysteries of the beginning of time, you'll discover how the sovereign God cares for the world, blesses those who walk in faith, and keeps his covenant promises.

To help you personally interact with the vital truths of Genesis, trusted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes provides...Scripture Readings and Insights--short passages of Genesis and easy-to-understand notes on each verse Major Themes--brief summaries of the most important ideas Cross-References--several other passages you can look up on relevant topics Life Lessons--practical applications to everyday life Questions for Reflection and Discussion--thought-provoking conversation starters for group discussions or personal journaling

Use this 40-day journey alone or with friends to fortify the foundations of your faith.

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I didn’t get that much out of this, definitely not as much as I thought I would. I will put the blame on the difference in theological beliefs that the author and I have. I think that because of those differences I couldn’t take this book as seriously as I would have normally. I also didn’t enjoy it as much because I found myself arguing internally with the beliefs.
So the lesson is: a Bible devotional has to at least line up with your beliefs at least somewhat otherwise, you most likely won’t get anything out of it. That can be more detrimental than helpful.

#PREORDER #SALE: My Soul to Wake by Tara Oakes

My Soul to Wake will be available for pre-order on May 23rd and May 24th for 0.99 cents. Make sure to get it at that time before it goes up to it’s regular price of $2.99! You can find teasers and the trailer as well as the synopsis below!
Witchcraft. Reincarnation. True love. These are the things of legend. Unexplained, some even say impossible, but nonetheless prevalent in stories and tales from all cultures and in every land from the beginning of time. What if there is something to it? What if there is an explanation behind the mysteries and bedtime stories? Something beyond words? SALEM, MASSACHUSETTES 1692 She was taken from him in the cruelest way... condemned, sentenced and punished out of fear of the unknown. How is he supposed to live without her? How can he go on knowing that in this life, by the natural order of things, they will never be together? There's only one thing to do... only one option that will bring them together again. SALEM , MASSACHUSETTES TODAY Amelia is taken on a weekend excursion with her best girlfriends to let loose, relax and have a little fun. What harm is there in a little vacation? It's not like the legends, the haunted history of the place can scare them away. It's all harmless fun. Or so she thought. Something seems familiar about the town. The trees, the winds, the feel of everything. Her ever present nightmares have become more intense within the limits of the old historical setting. She's prepared to write off the whole trip as nothing more than a case of her mind running away with the sensationalized magic here. When she meets a handsome stranger who's eager to know her in a way no one else can, she begins to think there may be something more to this place, something more to him. Will has been waiting, biding his time, and praying that she'll come back. He's broken the natural order of things to possibly find her again, weaving their way through the years until they can be together again. He knows he may never find her, but he can't risk not trying. This place calls to her, just as it did to him. It will bring her back home. It will bring her back to him. What's 300 years when it comes to true love? He's prepared to wait an eternity if he has to, just to see her, hold her, kiss her again.. to make her remember what was stolen from them so long ago. To make her remember who she is, the power she possesses and the love they swore to each other.
And don’t forget to join the Release Game! It will go from March 19th until Release Day. There will be prizes galore, including daily prizes! You can join the fun here:
My Soul to Wake will be releasing on Memorial Day, 2015. MAY 25TH, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015

#SPOTLIGHT and #GIVEAWAY: A New Threat by Aaron Demott

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Title:   A New Threat
Series:  The Psygen Chronicles
Author:   Aaron Demott
Published:  April 21st, 2015
Publisher:  AltWit Press
Genre:  YA Science Fiction


When an alien ship lands unexpectedly in the middle of her clan’s territory, Bast is sent to investigate as part of her scout trial. After an accident, she meets these new visitors. She and her senior scout Rrrark are invited to return with the aliens to their home planet to open diplomatic relations. What started out as a simple diplomatic mission becomes complicated when they discover a pirate scheme that might be more than it seems. Only Bast, Rrrark, and two of the aliens called Pysgens are capable of stopping the pirates.

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About the Author:
Aaron has had a few different jobs, ranging from computer tech support, to real-estate, and lawn and farm sales and service. He also enjoys photography and reading, and has been a Star Trek and Star Wars fan for as long as he can remember.
The Psygen Chronicles, Book 1: A New Threat is Aaron’s first novel.

Amazon Author Page | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

Excerpt from A New Threat by Aaron Demott:
Bast rushed through the forest while trying to maintain some measure of stealth. She flicked her ears in every direction and listened for anything unusual. So far, only natural sounds filled the forest.
The air was crisp and sunlight filtered through the leaves. The perfect day for her first assignment. She clenched her jaw, measured her breathing, and straightened her tail. She needed this assignment to go well. Only then could she be recognized as an adult.

Scouts from every one of the clans had seen the giant metal ship—something that large and with such an unnatural shape could only be a ship—come slowly down to the ground. If it kept going without a change in its speed or direction, it would land in the part of the Large Grassland which fell inside in her clan's territory. Besides, where could it have come from? What sort of creature would travel through the stars on such a craft?

She approached the edge of the forest and looked around for a nice bit of cover. She found a line of bushes between a stand of trees. It would work perfectly and provide an escape back into the forest if it became necessary. She sat on her haunches behind the brush, curled her tail around her feet, and licked a speck of dust off one of the white patches of fur on her paw. The ship should land soon.
"It could be crashing too..." she mused aloud.

But the scouts and scientists had reported it was on a stable course and wasn't on fire or anything. She liked surprises–for the most part–and this would certainly be an interesting sight. A faint, high-pitched noise came from the west. She poked her nose from the bush and raised her whiskers in that direction. Nothing yet. She waited a little longer. The sound grew louder, and a slight wind blew across the plain.

Giveaway Details:

There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • Signed Print copy of A New Threat (US only). If winner is INT the prize is an ecopy of A New Threat.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

#REVIEW: Only For Us by Cristin Harber

Title: Only For Us
Series: Only #3
Author:  Cristin Harber
Published Date: April 14, 2015
Publisher: Mill Creek Press
Format: ebook
Pages: 126
ISBN: 9781942236160
Genre: contemporary romance
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis: The third installment of the Only series. Must be read in order.
Grayson and Emma. First love. True love. And... they have a daughter. Abandonment is his curse. He left his woman, survived his team, and missed the moment most precious to a father. Until now.
"I didn't know you were killing yourself with work. I didn't know you're raising our daughter. So help me God, had I known, there is no military force on earth that would've kept me from you."
Love needs to heal all, or they won't survive the collision of their separate lives. Emma must reach deep into her heart that is barely hanging on and find forgiveness. Grayson, wrecked with PTSD-filled nightmares, must prove that he's here to stay and able to rebuild his family against all odds.
"I need to say I love you. But what I mean is I love you--in a way that defies definition and exists only in a world that you and I are in."
Only for Us is the third installment in the Only series. All novellas will release Spring 2015.

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
There are few books that will make me cry. There are even fewer books that will make me cheer out loud. This is one of the rare books that will make me do both. Cristin Harber is a rare author that can make me do both in multiple books of hers.
Emma and Grayson are together much to the chagrin of her family who think Grayson got some booty and left for the Army after putting a notch in his bedpost. Nothing could be further from the truth, and the way Emma stood up to her family made me cringe. I wouldn’t have that kind of courage to do what she did, too afraid that their help would be pulled out from under my feet.
Yes, I would be afraid; she stood up for her love. Emma’s a much better woman than I. I would try for more diplomacy.
And then Delta Force shows up…oh my gosh! I completely fangirl’d in front of my Kindle. Completely and utterly squealed and brought my kids running in to see what was so exciting. It was rather anti0climactical they didn’t squeal with me but rolled their eyes.

Finally the end….oh the end….oh my what a cliffhanger….no, it can’t end like this, it just can’t….oh my gosh!

Monday, May 18, 2015

#SPOTLIGHT and #GIVEAWAY: Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver by Bobbi Carducci

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 photo Confessions-of-an-Imperfect-Caregiver.jpg Title:  Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver
Author:  Bobbi Carducci
Published:  July 26th, 2014
Publisher:   Open Books Press
Genre:  Creative Non-fiction, Memoir
Recommended Age:  13+
Bobbi Carducci’s life was about to change. Her ill father-in-law’s odd behavior was a mystery when he came to live with her and Mike. For the next seven years Bobbi did everything she could to save him from himself – while he tried to convince everyone that he didn’t need her and that she was crazy.
A nonfiction that reads like a novel, Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver, is the story of a real family dealing with one of the fastest growing issues of our day. Caring for seriously ill family members at home. Meet Bobbi Carducci. Laugh, cry and pray with her as she does the hardest job she ever loved.
Every 26 seconds another person is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia in the U.S.

Excerpt from Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver:
For fifteen years I’d known him as my gentle, henpecked father-in-law. A man who longed for a little peace and quiet and always seemed eager to please. As saddened as I was by my mother-in-law’s passing, I had believed that living in my home, free from the constant yelling and criticism, he’d come out of his shell and begin to enjoy life.
Sitting in a hospital parking lot so many years later, I was just beginning to discover how very wrong I’d been.
Had he been pretending all these years? Is the real Rodger the one who announced to the nursing staff that I’m useless and no damned good? Does the medicine he takes every day allow him to be himself, or does it mask his true nature? Who is this man who lives in my house and paces the halls late at night? .. .
Where did I go wrong? What did I miss and how can I make sure this doesn't happen again? Those questions and more went unanswered as I covered the miles between the hospital and home, my mind and body too tired to cope with the guilt I felt at that moment. Despite all my good intentions, I’d let him down.

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About the Author:
Intrigued by TV doctors, Bobbi Carducci told everyone she was going to be a brain surgeon when she grew up.  When she couldn't bring herself to cut up a frog in biology class she realized she had to find another way to get inside people’s heads and became a writer instead.
Bobbi was an in home caregiver for her serious ill father-in-law, Rodger, for seven years. Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver is the first book in a planned Caregiver series depicting the true stories of people caring for loved ones at home.
Bobbi Carducci is a former senior staff writer for the Purcellville Gazette, a small Washington, D.C. area newspaper. Her short stories appear in the Chicken Soup for the Soul and Cup of Comfort Anthologies as well is in print and online magazines.
Bobbi’s book for young readers, Storee Wryter Gets a Dog, received both a Mom’s Choice Award and a Living Now Award for Excellence. It was also named A Best Dog Book for Young Readers by Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer.
For three years she wrote a monthly book review column for About Families Publications before resigning to concentrate on writing Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver and her blog, The Imperfect Caregiver. Bobbi also writes regularly on care giving for and The Caregiver Space.

Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:

  • A print copy of Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver (US only)
  • An ecopy of  Confessions of an Imperfect Caregiver (Int)

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Sunday, May 17, 2015

#REVIEW: Exodus: Shadow of the Mountain #1 by Cliff Graham

Title: Exodus
Series: The Shadow of the Mountain #1
Author:  Cliff Graham
Published Date: May 5, 2015
Publisher: Bethany House
Format: paperback
Pages: 303
ISBN: 9780764214752
Genre: biblical fiction
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis: Caleb and Joshua Roar to Life in this High-Impact Old Testament Saga
Two men were brave enough to tell the truth about what awaited the Hebrews in
Canaan. This is their story. From the slave pits of Egypt to the efforts of an eighty-five-year-old Caleb as he drives out the last of the giants, Shadow of the Mountain is a vivid portrait of two of God's chosen champions, and a meditation on masculine mentorship and the challenges and blessings of growing older.
For the sake of his new God and his loyalty to his friend Joshua, Caleb will not spend his twilight years resting, but taking the battle to the enemies of God's people until his dying breath. From his early days as a mercenary for Pharaoh in Egypt watching the Hebrews suffer under the yoke of slavery, all the way through a desperate fight with giants in the dark forests of the hill country, this is a story filled with epic battles, gritty intensity, and supernatural events that made Graham's Lion of War series a hit. Shadow of the Mountain is sure to ignite a love for the Old Testament in popular culture.

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
A prevalent theme in this book is how life doesn’t end up quite the way we dream it will in our youth. In this book, the author has written a whole backstory to a character who is only mentioned a few times in the Bible: Caleb, of Caleb and Joshua. In here, Caleb comes from the Kezzanites, and goes to Egypt to find his fame and fortune through being an artist, a carver of beautiful images. Instead, he ends up being sponsored to be in the Scorpions, an elite group of Egyptian warriors, where he excels. This puts him directly in the palace when Moses and Aaron approach the Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt.

This is a fascinating book that shows a firsthand account of the ten plagues of Egypt from the Egyptian point of view, but doesn’t actually get to them until the last half of the book. The author does a spectacular job of really fleshing out Caleb, giving him a back story, and yes, using artistic license with it. Caleb must have been some important figure in the Bible, for with the thousands upon thousands of Israelites that were alive during the Exodus, many of them were never named. The storyline has just enough action to keep you reading, though the beginning I admit, was a bit slow and dry for me.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

#REVIEW: Lifting the Veil by Kate Allenton

Title: Lifting the Veil
Series: Veil/Dixon Security Services #1
Author:  Kate Allenton
Published Date: June 30, 2014
Publisher: Coastal Escape Publishing LLC
Format: ebook
Pages: 170
Genre: paranormal fiction
Add to: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 4 stars

Synopsis: Unemployed accountant Sophie Masterson never dreams that a trip to Salem on Halloween night will change her life forever. When a birthday gift of a psychic reading is thrust upon her by her best friend, Sophie has no choice but to play along. She wants the winning lottery numbers but, instead, receives something far more ominous—a warning of things to come. Being told her own clairvoyant abilities will soon surface should be enough to send any woman running to hide. Throw in the possibility that something sinister is headed her way and all she wants is an easy out. 
When asked to help her brother, the police chief, with some easy filing, she’s sure that her problems are over. She now has an income, a job, and a safe haven where she can relax. What she doesn’t expect is that one of those files will be the catalyst to set the wheels in motion for the predictions to come true. 
Detective Jack Love has a hard time following instructions. When his latest bust gets him benched, and shoved in the cold case filing room, the last thing he expects is to be tasked with babysitting the chief’s sister. When unqualified and in-need-of-medication Sophie gets the crazy idea to play detective on a case gone cold, there is little he can do to dissuade her from investigating. 
Attempting to keep her clairvoyant abilities a secret, Sophie Masterson thrusts herself into a cold case where the dead are multiplying, the clues are disappearing, and the hunky cop assigned to play babysitter is a nonbeliever. She doesn’t hold out much hope for solving the case, much less keeping her secret, especially when the dead seek her out to tell their tales. 
When Sophie plays a deadly game of cat and mouse with winner takes all, it’s no longer the dead that scare her, but Jack Love. Surviving with her heart intact now ranks at the top of her list.

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This was my first book by Kate Allenton, and I wasn’t too disappointed by it. I was kind of avoiding reading this book because it sounded awfully cheesy to me. When I finally sat down with it, I was hooked. The author writes in such a way as to keep the reader engaged from the first paragraph to the last page. The writing is descriptive enough to be able to visualize it, and yet not too wordy as to become tedious and bog the reader down in details.
The main characters of Sophie and Jack could have been fleshed out a little more, especially Jack. You could see his attraction growing for Sophie, but besides what he says, you don’t see it very often. I think Sophie let go of her secret a little too quickly, and those who learned about it, accepted it a little too easily.
The sex scenes between Sophie and Jack were graphic, but the usual graphic, definitely no fade to black scenes. So if it bothers you, either skip over them, or just don’t read the book. But if you choose to not read the book, you’re missing out on a good story.
The storyline itself reminded me of Ghost Whisperer, the old television show with Jennifer Love Hewitt, especially the way Sophie handled the scene with the bad guy and his wife.

Overall, not a bad book, and I will be looking for more from this author.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Indie Book Fest: Sign Up Now!


Indie BookFest 2015 is a three-day event celebrating indie/hybrid/traditional authors and artists and their freedom of expression. Join some of your favorite authors for three days filled with a book signing, sessions, lunch, author meet and greets, an after party, and great fun!
You won’t want to miss the sessions throughout the day, where panelists will be speaking on a variety of topics relevant to readers, book lovers, and writers. Indie BookFest 2015 will be held at Caribe Royale in Orlando, Fl., on July 31, August 1, & 2, 2015
The Caribe Royale is located just 1.5 miles from the Walt Disney World® area!
Over 60 authors representing indie, hybrid and traditional publishing will be featured at this premier author and reader event.
Keynote speaker is multi-award winning author Jana Oliver.
This weekend is all about readers connecting and finding new authors to love. There are reader panels, a Fan Fare where readers can hang out with the authors, a Gothic Romance party, a gourmet luncheon, Author sponsored parties, and a book signing.

Attending Authors

View the Schedule of Events
$75 Buys an Entire weekend pass which includes all of the parties and the luncheon Saturday!
Buy Tickets HERE
Are you a blogger? Get a blogger media pass for $50!
Help us promote the event!
It includes all of the above as well as a casual Author/ Blogger breakfast.
Book your HOTEL! We have special pricing for our event.
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#COVER #REVEAL: Before I Break Short Stories by Alec John Belle

Alec John Belle
These short stories are releasing two weeks apart from one another, from different character perspectives, they will lead up to the main event of the release of Before I Break. These stories are FREE and will be posted on Author Alec John Belle's Blog Before I Break and the short stories are young adult focusing on LGBT and social issues.

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Capricious:  In this haunting prequel short story to Before I Break, Jake struggles with the idea of religion, homosexuality, and life as he deals with an obvious mental illness.

The Winter of Harms:  In Avery's journal, read to uncover the start of Avery's depression, and the mistake that almost takes his life.

Turmoil:  As Melissa gets into her relationship with Cyril, she can't help but look at other girls.  But Melissa loves Cyril, right?

Synopsis for Before I Break:

“When religiously raised Cyril Hayes begins his junior year at East Hill High School, every choice he makes suffers a greater consequence, and while facing challenges of friends, family, and love, learns that hate and intolerance are also a very large part of our world today.

Cyril Hayes is seemingly just like any other male his age. He has the perfect girlfriend, Melissa Summers, his best friend, Jake Rivers, and a lawyer father who brings home enough money to support his family and then some. When Cyril begins his junior year, he doesn't expect his life to spiral out of control when he meets Avery Branson, the new kid in school who has a big secret: he's gay.

At first, Cyril doesn't handle this truth well, due to the way he was raised, but as the story progresses, he ventures deep into the reality of homosexuality and begins to accept Avery for who he is. Not everyone is happy with Cyril's new friend, including Jake, who believes that homosexuality is a sin and is refusing to change his beliefs.

But Avery isn't the only one at East Hill with secrets, and soon a tragedy will strike, knocking Cyril's world completely off balance and leaving a scar on his heart that will change his view of humanity all together.”

Social Media Links:

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

#COVER REVEAL: Worth of Souls Series by Bonnie R Paulson


 We are so excited to share the covers for this amazing series - Worth of Souls. The first book will be released July 6, book 2 July 8, and book 3 July 10 but you can pre-order NOW so they come to your eReader the day of release!

Cost of Survival, Book #1

COSfrontAnger isn’t an emotion anymore, it’s more of a survival mode I can’t afford to let go.
My dad predicted World War III would happen in his life, but he died two years before… with my brother…
…before Mom and I walked in search of refuge from the bombing.
Strengthened by her faith, Mom never feels alone. But me? I don’t know what to believe or where to turn. Someone once said keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but I disagree. Friends scare me the most. They know me and my mom. Nothing about them is safe.
The ones in charge… Control everything…
Crud, I’ve started crying because I’m scared I won’t survive World War III. But a bigger part of me is scared I will.
My mom is bleeding in my arms and she’s making me promise to follow her three rules.
Pray. Don’t trust anyone. Stay alive.
How long do I need to break all three?

Exchange Rate, Book #2

exchangerateI’m pregnant and I couldn’t be more excited. But the community Bodey, his dad, and I live in has rules. Rules that make Mom’s rules seem like safety nets.
Only 200 people are allowed at a time. My baby will make it 201.
The leader is making me choose someone from our house to die so there will be room for my child. Either I make the decision or they take… my…
Even in the craziness that the world has become, I refuse to believe only 200 can live in it at once.
The “community” is safe-ish, comfortable. We have food, warmth, and there isn’t immediate danger of being robbed while we sleep.
Doesn’t it make sense we’d have to exchange something for all that?
I’ve survived this long. Maybe that’s enough. Maybe I should die so my family can live. Or maybe I can get through the lines and find a people worth sacrificing for.

Worth of Souls, Book #3

Come back every day for new changes to win!
WOSfront Running for my life and six months pregnant, I’m terrified but confident in my decisions.With my love and family behind me, captured by the same man who chases me, I have only a small window to find help. The baby needs to come out eventually.Nobody said the end of the world would define people so much. Everywhere I turn I have to prove my worth.Mom was gone before I learned my value lay in my eyes. Not others. But how would that save Bodey? How could my worth change how the world me spins? If I can’t figure it out, everyone I love will die, trapped in a place where even following the rules won’t protect us. Amazon iBooks Nook Kobo  

Bonnie  Bonnie R. Paulson mixes her science and medical background with reality and possibilities to make even myths seem likely and give every romance the genetic strength to survive. Bonnie has discovered a dark and twisty turn in her writing that she hopes you enjoy as much as she has enjoyed uncovering it. Dirt biking with her family in the Northwest keeps her sane. Follow on: Facebook / Blog / Twitter / Goodreads / Newsletter / Literary Addicts / Amazon

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

#SPOTLIGHT and #GIVEAWAY: Alex in Wonderland by RJ Hore

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Title:  Alex in Wanderland
Author:  R.J. Hore
Published:  May 5th 2015
Publisher:   Champagne Book Group
Genre:  Fantasy
Recommended Age:  12+

A mismatched modern married couple, Alexander and Alexis, find themselves in an alternate universe when their fight over his latest purchase goes all wrong.
How would you feel if you were considered to be the latest saviors of the land, with hints of a slow and painful death as your reward? All they have to do is fulfill an ancient prophecy. Their traveling companions: the priest, the protector, and the thief are all suspect. Everyone seems to be out to stop them.
A tale of adventure and romance, filled with pitfalls and leering villains. Did anyone mention there might be hungry dragons too?
Excerpt from Alex in Wanderland:
     Alexander’s stomach churned. He was kneeling, sprawled on a floor of cold stone, not bare hardwood. Head spinning, eyes closed, he reached out for something to cling to and grabbed hold of fabric and flailing arms.
     Alexis screamed in his ear. She doubled over as though ready to bring up supper—if she'd had any. She clutched at him and opened her eyes.
     His ears buzzed as if his head hosted an unruly crowd of cicadas. The world outside continued to revolve.
     Alexis opened her mouth again, but no further sound came out. Her clenched knuckles bulged white where they gripped his arm.
     He clung to Alexis shaking, and using her as a prop, staggered to his feet. The world around him slowly came into focus and the sensation of sickening movement ceased.
     A loud ringing sound echoed inside Alexander’s skull. Was that the doorbell? Who could that be? It didn't sound like the doorbell, more like a Chinese gong. Where did that come from?
     They clung together like a pair of drunken dancers, and then steadied. The sky above glowed with a million stars displayed through parting clouds. Darkness stretched to the horizon, except for the shimmering ring of a thousand pinpoints of flickering light somewhere at his feet.
     Alexander’s straining eyes accustomed to the gloom and he stared around. He stood, clutching Alexis and swaying on a platform, or maybe it was a flat roof, at the top of what appeared to be a high building. A loud ringing echoed through the night. Someone pounded on a gong, a large one by the sound.
     “What was that?” Alexander gasped. His stomach did a flip-flop.
He smelled wood smoke, or perhaps some sweet incense. Alexis held a firm grip on his arm.
     She moaned. “What happened? Oh, my head.”
     “The Twins have come, The Twins have come,” someone shouted hoarsely from close behind him.
     A roar rumbled up from far below. He turned around, Alexis still hanging on tight to him.
     A round, bald man garbed in a yellow robe stared at them wide-eyed. The glow from a nearby torch gleamed gold off his nose ring. He shouted, “Quick, acolytes assist them.”
     A half-dozen men, equally hairless and garbed in what appeared to Alexander to be lemon-yellow bathrobes, rushed forward from behind a high, triangular archway and pressed around them, bowing and bobbing like a flock of hungry pigeons. The newcomers surrounded the clinging pair, reaching out for them with painted nails.
     “Get your filthy hands off of me,” Alexis cried out.

 photo RJ-Hore.jpg About the Author:
Ron can be found sailing on Lake Winnipeg when he not writing novels or critiquing for an on-line magazine. He won a national short story contest for a ghostly love story but his preference is for longer works. Writing as R.J.Hore his medieval-style fantasy novels include the completed Dark Lady Trilogy, and The Queen’s Pawn, which may also turn into a trilogy. Knights Bridge is a novella in the same style, but a bit darker. Ron also writes a series of novella-length fantasy detective tales, six published so far. These are available in print collections: the Housetrap Chronicles Volume 1 and 2. All his novels and novellas are available as ebooks with most of the novel-length now in print as well.

Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • A PDF ecopy of Alex in Wanderland
Giveaway is International.
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