Wednesday, June 29, 2016

#EXCERPT and #GIVEAWAY: Blood Moon Magick by SM Blooding

2.3h Blood Moon Magick Detective Paige Whiskey has a lot on her plate. A gate to Hell is permanently seared into her soul and she has no way of controlling it. She let a psychotic serial killing demon free in exchange for Dexx’s life. Her sister is about to have a baby and a whole world of crazy has opened in the Whiskey household. And, if that wasn’t enough, she and Dexx are trying to figure out their relationship. They’re about to discover a world that has been hidden from the Whiskeys. A world of shapeshifters, werewolves, and vampires. A world that was hidden to end a bloody war. A war between shifters and witches. Paige has to make a decision. Solve this murder and start a war? Or ignore it and keep her family safe? But when Dexx is bitten, all everything changes. War? Or love? Why is nothing ever simple?


A scuffle. Someone grunted. Another person growled.
She glanced at Dexx and headed in the direction of the sounds. She unzipped her jacket and drew her weapon.
Dexx jogged around a dark SUV and slowed to a stop, a confused frown marring his face.
Paige clicked off the safety of her Micro Eagle and turned the corner of the vehicle.
Two men fought in the patch of grass between the parked cars, but something was off with both of them.
One man had fangs.
The other had fur. And was growling.
Paige stepped into the grass and leaned in. “Gentlemen?”
The fanged man stopped, relaxing his face. He tugged on the sleeves of his impressive business jacket and narrowed his green eyes at the other man.
A woman peeled herself out of the shadows, her hands raised. She was tall, blonde, and gorgeous. Her tight, red dress left very little to the imagination. Her high-heeled shoes made Paige’s feet hurt just looking at them. “It’s okay. I’ve already called the cops. You can—” Her ruby red lips curled in a smile as she flicked one well-manicured finger. “—leave. There is nothing to see here.”
“I am the cops.”
The furry man faced her. The “fur” was only along his jaw and hands. His ears were longer than a human’s, like an elf-dog. His eyes glowed yellow, and he had more than fangs. He had a full set of sharp teeth.
How were the cops supposed to handle something like that?
“Rosy, Rosy, Rosy,” a familiar voice said behind her.
Paige blinked, her mind scrambling to figure out a lie to tell her partner. She didn’t even know what she was lying about.
Whoa! What? Tony? What was he doing here?
“What have I told you? Keep your dog on a shorter leash.”
Tony entered round circle of light from the overhead parking lot lamp.
His words registered and the mind-scrambling stopped. She raised her chin, a frown furrowing her brows. “Tony.”
He froze, his eyes wide. “Paige.”
The hairy man stood, his face morphing into human. “That’s your partner, right?”
How’d he do that? She knew better than to ask that question. She turned to Fang Man instead. “What happened out here?”
He straightened his shoulders, his expression smug. “We were just having a friendly argument.”
“Then, why did Rosy feel the need to call the cops?”
“She didn’t call the cops. She called me.” Tony stepped toward Paige, his hands raised. “Care to put the gun away?”
“When you explain to me what’s going on here.”
Tony slid his dark gaze to Rosy. “Take your dog somewhere outside the city limits. I don’t want to see him anymore.”
The woman sighed. “It’s hard to break them in out there, Tee. You know that.”
“Not here, Rose. All right?”
“Fine. Fine. Fine. Come on, Pete.” Rosy’s high-heeled steps disappeared around the truck.
Tony turned to Fang Man. “And you?”
“Just teaching the pup a lesson.”
“In public.”
“It wasn’t public until your partner showed up.”
Tony dropped his chin and sighed, his lips flat.
Fang Man straightened his jacket. “Fine. We need to get you a new job.”
Once everyone had left in their vehicles, Tony turned back to her.
By that time, she’d re-holstered her weapon.
Dexx came to stand at her back, quiet but ready.
“Okay.” Paige crossed her arms over her chest. “Tell me what just happened.”
Tony narrowed his eyes and mimicked her position. “You read me into what happened in Louisiana, and I’ll read you into what’s going on here.”
She already had a hunch. Vampires and werewolves were real.
But having her partner in on this part of her life?
Actually might be very helpful.
Fine. He wanted read in. No problem. “I’m a demon summoner and a witch. In Louisiana, a demon kidnapped me, cast a spell in my bones, and now I house a living door to Hell inside me. Now, you.”
He gestured his concession. “I’m a vampire.”

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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

#EXCERPT and #GIVEAWAY: Blood Debt by Jill Cooper

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000031_00001] The queen of the underworld has a new play toy and her name is Jessica Blood. Bad boy Duncan Jasper and passive healer Amanda Blood are on the run for their lives with a horde of demons on their tale. The queen of the underworld, Lourdes, wants Amanda to free Lourdes from her prison and it’s all on Duncan to keep this from happening. But Amanda’s soul is fractured and bleeding thanks to the torture she suffered at the hands of the high-level demon, Vaughn. Now a painful ritual is her soul’s only chance at survival. If Duncan fails, Jessica Blood may never be free from the chains that bind her to Lourdes. Demons swarm to their location and Jessica walks right into a trap they’ve set for her. But to cure her sister, Amanda will have to embrace the pain and welcome the beauty of death. All before they get ready to stand off against Lourdes and the demons of hell, coming to claim their souls. Hold onto your seats! Long-held family secrets and heartache are about to be revealed.


Amanda sat down on the bed beside Ron. His eyes took her in like a scared child taking in a vision of Santa for the first time. Friend or foe? Amanda raised her hand, her fingers trembling at the thought of touching him. Of feeling the evil that circled him; of getting close enough to touch his soul.
“I’m coming for her. I’m not going to stop. You have to stop me.”
“Sssh…” Amanda said gently, closed her eyes and laid her hand against the flesh of his skin, just under his sleeve.
Aware of her pulse and her breath, Amanda’s vision flashed brightly. She stood inside the basement where Ron first encountered Jessica. Her sweet sister, with an unnatural sneer upon her face. Her red hair hanging like vines in front of her face, the red glow of her unnatural tattoos reflecting off the walls.
She grabbed Ron’s throat and she said the words to him that Ron now couldn’t stop repeating. “I’m coming for her. I’m not going to stop. You have to stop me.”
It wasn’t a threat. It was a warning. Something Jessica begged from the very depths of her soul. Oh, how Amanda wept for her.
As she came to, Amanda’s brow peaked and sweat covered her forehead. She had been taking deep, shallow breaths through her mouth that she hadn’t even meant to take. Mike was on his knee beside her and Duncan stood behind, his hands on her shoulders.
“You were crying out,” the worry in his voice was thick, slathering, and rich. All of which made Amanda think of hot fudge, and boy right now, suddenly she was starving.
Glancing down at her hand, Amanda saw her hand was glowing. Had she started healing him without realizing it? The thick black misty around Ron was gone, and he blinked his eyes. With a quiver, he licked his lips. “Amanda, is that you, kid?”
His voice was hoarse, like he hadn’t spoken in days, but the curse was broken. He could talk again. Relieved, Amanda sighed as Duncan and Mike gathered around, grabbing Ron’s shoulder.
Patting him on the back.
“What do you remember?” Duncan asked.
A surge of pain. A clutching in his chest. Amanda answered for Ron because he couldn’t. “He remembers all of it.” She contemplated. “He saw her. Jessica.”
“She killed them all.” Ron’s voice shook. “Killed them all and then she knocked me unconscious. Dragged me around. Placed the knife in my hand and then…” his voice wavered, “and then…”
He couldn’t finish or wouldn’t. Amanda didn’t know which it was, but she was desperate to know where Jessica was. Where she was going. They needed to find her, free her. Amanda gripped Ron’s hand.
“Please…” Amanda begged. She wasn’t above begging. She had no pride when it came to things such as this. “I have to find her.”
“Return to the town where you moved to with your would-be adoptive parents. Do you remember the place?”
How could Amanda forget? It was there that she turned her back on a normal life forever and embraced the Blood life. She had been only a teenager, but that decision had been so powerful. So life changing. How could Amanda forget? And why would Jessica want her to return there…why?
“Three states away, it’ll be a long drive.”
“There’s something there. Jessica…she needs you there and fast. She’ll be able to sense where you are. Where you go. It has to be there where she finds you.”

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jillcooperAbout the Author:

I could write this in the third person. I could tell you what I like, where I was born, and what my favorite things are. But instead, I’ll say I don’t want to write like everyone else. I don’t want to craft stories you’ve read a thousand times before. I want my novels to be a cinematic experience, blending themes, genres, and situations unlike any you’ve ever read. I want to break the rules. I want you to break out in a cold sweat as you read my books out of fear, love, and excitement. I want my books to be an experience. When you finish, I want you to feel something. Good or bad. If you do, then I’ll have succeeded. If not, I’ll keep trying.
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Sunday, June 26, 2016

OT post: The Stigma of Illness

Stigma is a mark of disgrace that sets a person apart. When a person is labelled by their illness they are seen as part of a stereotyped group. Negative attitudes create prejudice which leads to negative actions and discrimination. (LINK

I'm jumping way off topic here to share an experience I have had recently, one that really opened my eyes to the way we view people different than us.
A little background on me beforehand though:
I'm a southern girl, born and bred, raised to share a smile and a conversation with a stranger on the street, hold the door for someone behind me, and to see everyone as equal. Gay, straight, transgender, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, black, white, brown hair or purple hair, 6 or 66, man or woman, I try my best to show love and respect to all. Usually when I see someone who is vastly different than I and on the outside of the conservatively WASC (white Anglo Saxon Catholic) background I was raised in, I'm a little more enthusiastic about showing my love and acceptance for them. And if I see someone who is "obviously sick", I go out of my way to hold the door for them, share a smile, something small I can do to make their day just a little brighter.

In the past few months, I have been diagnosed with GERD or acid reflux based on symptoms I have had forever. Endoscopy was completely normal, as was the biopsy, so my GI doctor referred me to a larger hospital for what is called an "ambulatory pH probe" which is a probe that would be sent up my nose, down my throat, and into my stomach for about 18 hours that would record the pH of my stomach and esophagus as I went about my daily life.

Friday was the day and I did a little research, finding out that a wire would be connected to this probe and would connect to the recording device that was outside of my body. I was frankly terrified about transportation. My original plan was to take public transportation to and from the hospital, but now, oh my gosh, people will stare at me, maybe I should just pay the parking and take my car. And I sure as heck am not going outside when I get home! Financial necessity won out over embarrassment and I took public transportation.

I got to MGH without a problem. Public transportation was par for the course, I was jostled and squeezed into small spaces next to people I've never seen and most likely will never see again. I people watched and shared a smile with those whose eye I caught. A mom and dad were bringing their two young children out into Boston, a young woman had the most extraordinary shade of teal hair I have ever seen, an Asian man in a suit was having a conversation on his phone, and friends were talking over a picture from Facebook.

I left MGH two hours later feeling very self-conscious with a fantastic wire taped in place to my nose, face and neck and a journal to record time and what sort of symptoms I experienced. The nurse who finally got it in laughingly said I would have my choice of seats on the train. I thought he was kidding....
On the way home though, he was right. Suddenly I wasn't being jostled, and I had seats around me that were empty, everyone would just rather stand. I tried to people watch, but that was an experience in itself. People seemed embarrassed to have been caught staring, their eyes skittering away from  my face when I tried to smile at them. The strangest experience by far though was when I got off on my stop and exited the station, a panhandler stopped me asking for money, when I turned to her to explain I had none, her eyes grew wide, she quickly apologized and said "God bless you."
I briefly and sardonically wondered if I should started calling out, "Unclean! Unclean!" as I walked to my husband waiting in the car.
The next day, I experienced the same as I went to MGH to get that wretched probe out. The entire opposite side of the train was filled with people sitting down, trying not to be caught staring at the obvious deformity that marked me as having some horrible disease. People chose to stand instead of sit next to me.
I was so grateful for the literally 5 seconds it took to get that wire out. I handed over my symptom journal, and bee-lined the heck out of there. I hope that is the last time I ever have to have that experience. On the way home, people smiled at me on the walk to the T station from the hospital,  I exchanged pleasantries with a policeman who was watching over some construction. Did he even realise I was the same woman who had passed him by not 10 minutes earlier that he wouldn't look at?
On the T, I had people sitting next to me, jostling me, yes, even on a relatively quiet Saturday morning. I was suddenly a part of society again.

Now, I understand the story in the Bible of Peter's mother in law whom Jesus healed of a fever and immediately got up to serve them (Mathew 8: 14-15). It feels so good to be a part of "normal society" once more.

However, guys...I thought we were past this! Society should be better than this, we should be better than this! Do better than this! Go out and if you see someone who is "visibly sick", take the time out of your busy life, face the fear of illness,  and be nice to them! I don't mean feel sorry for them, I mean, genuinely be nice to them!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

#EXCERPT: Bad Boys After Dark: Mick by Melissa Foster

BoysAfterDark Blast 

bad boys after dark mick
 Bad Boys After Dark: Mick   The Bad Boys are a series of stand-alone romances that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger Love in Bloom series. . Indulge your inner vixen... You asked for naughtier lovers, with the same fierce loyalty as The Bradens - Meet the Bad Boys... Four sinfully sexy, uber alpha brothers, about to fall head over heels for their leading ladies. . Everything's naughtier after dark... Amanda Jenner is done being a boring-man magnet and has finally taken control of her love life. As any smart paralegal would, she's researched the hell out of how to seduce a man. She's waxed, primped, and ready to put her newfound skills into action--and a masquerade bar crawl is the perfect venue for her solo coming-out party. Entertainment attorney Mick Bad lives by two hard and fast rules. He never mixes business with pleasure, and he doesn't do relationships, which makes the anonymity of a masquerade bar crawl the perfect place for a onetime hookup. . Amanda thinks she's hit the jackpot when she bags a tall, dark, and sinfully delicious masked man--until she discovers the man she's made out with is her off-limits boss. Mick's already crossed a line he can never uncross, and one taste of sweet and sexy Amanda has only whet his appetite. When Mick offers to give Amanda a lesson in seduction--no strings, no regrets, and for goodness' sake, come Monday, no quitting--the tables turn, and Mick's totally unprepared for the lessons this sweet temptress provides. Kindle / Kobo / iBooks / Nook / GPlay / Smashwords / Paperback


LURED BY THE pulse of sex and anonymity, Amanda Jenner moved through the dusky bar, brushing against silk, satin, cotton, and flesh, each graze feeding the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Blue lights misted over sweaty strangers lost in the seductive bump and grind of foreplay and hoping for a night of erotic pleasure. If Amanda tried hard enough, she could smell tomorrow’s scent du jour—regret. Tonight she had no room for the confidence-crushing worry of what tomorrow would bring. She scanned the crowd, as she had in the previous three bars, immediately dismissing anyone who wasn’t in costume. Her world was full of boring men who excelled at wining, dining, and boring her to sleep. Ten years of romance novels and movies had led her astray, looking for the elusive needle in a haystack. She’d led herself astray, always the careful thinker, careful dresser. Or as her younger sister, Ally, would say, Careful kisser, careful lover. Ally, however, had taken charge of her sex life—and she’d found the perfect man.

Now it’s my turn.

*** BAD BOYS AFTER DARK Mick Dylan (coming soon) Carson (coming soon) Brett (coming soon) More After Dark books: WILD BOYS AFTER DARK (Available Now!) Logan Heath Jackson Cooper The AFTER DARK series are part of the LOVE IN BLOOM big family romance collection. Each book may be read as a stand-alone novel, or as part of the series.

melissa foster Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes contemporary romance, new adult, contemporary women’s fiction, suspense, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Her books have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the World Literary Café and Fostering Success. When she’s not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on Fostering Success. Melissa has been published in Calgary’s Child Magazine, the Huffington Post, and Women Business Owners magazine. Melissa hosts an Aspiring Authors contest for children and has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Melissa lives in Maryland with her family. Visit Melissa on social media. Melissa enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups, and welcomes an invitation to your event. SIGN UP for MELISSA’S NEWSLETTER to stay up to date with new releases, giveaways, and events  

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

#BLAST and #REVIEW: Under Her Skin by Margo Bond Collins


UnderherskincoverAbout Under Her Skin She's lucky he's a charmer… Lindi Parker works hard at being human, not an easy task for a weresnake. She has no desire to search for others like her—until a new case changes everything. When Lindi learns that she she's not the only shapeshifter in the world, she realizes she might be next on a killer's list. In order to save herself and the abused children she works with, she will have to team up with Dr. Kade Nevala, a member of the shifter tribe responsible for eradicating weresnakes—and the most attractive man Lindi's ever met. Even more terrifying, she’ll need to embrace her serpent side, a choice that has enormous consequences for Lindi, and for everyone around her.

My Rating: 4 1/2 stars

My Review: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I believe when people think of paranormal romance they think vampires, werewolves, shifters, fairies, etc. A few years ago, I came across a shifter series that I was enamored of because it had shifters beyond werewolves. This new series.....this blows it completely out of the water!
We meet Lindi, a snake shifter (have you ever come across another series with a snake shifter as the main character?!) who is hiding in plain sight in society, raised by a human couple who have shown her the easiest path to a "normal" life is to blend in, to hide who she really is. Lindi is a great character, strong willed, and yet soft. Then she meets Kade....
Kade, a shifter as well, but again, I've never seen this kind of shifter in another book. And this is where the tension begins between the two they kiss each other or kill each other?
The writing is great, the story moves along at a quick pace, easily letting me finish it in a few days. My absolutely favorite part is how biologically precise the author got when describing the ways Lindi used her shifter abilities in the different scenes.
This is a great series and I can't wait to see how it progresses.

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Under Her Skin

About the Author 

Underherskinbanner2Margo Bond Collins is addicted to coffee (mmm...caffeine) and SF/F television, especially Supernatural (mmm...Winchesters). She writes paranormal and contemporary romance, urban fantasy, and paranormal mystery. She lives in Texas with her daughter and several spoiled pets. Although she teaches college-level English courses online, writing fiction is her first love. She enjoys reading urban fantasy and paranormal fiction of any genre and spends most of her free time daydreaming about heroes, vampires, ghosts, werewolves, and the women who love (and sometimes fight) them. You can learn more about her at and follow her on all the usual For updates about publications, free fiction, and other goodies, be sure to subscribe to her newsletter Amazon Author Page / Website/ Blog / Twitter @MargoBondCollin/ Google+ / Goodreads Author Page / Facebook Author Page / Pinterest Win a paperback copy of Under Her Skin + Book Swag. Open to 18+ USA addresses
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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

#BLAST and #GIVEAWAY: Under Her Skin by Margo Bond Collins


About Under Her Skin

Underherskinbanner2She's lucky he's a charmer… Lindi Parker works hard at being human, not an easy task for a weresnake. She has no desire to search for others like her—until a new case changes everything. When Lindi learns that she she's not the only shapeshifter in the world, she realizes she might be next on a killer's list. In order to save herself and the abused children she works with, she will have to team up with Dr. Kade Nevala, a member of the shifter tribe responsible for eradicating weresnakes—and the most attractive man Lindi's ever met. Even more terrifying, she’ll need to embrace her serpent side, a choice that has enormous consequences for Lindi, and for everyone around her.

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About the Author

Margo Bond Collins is addicted to coffee (mmm...caffeine) and SF/F television, especially Supernatural (mmm...Winchesters). She writes paranormal and contemporary romance, urban fantasy, and paranormal mystery. She lives in Texas with her daughter and several spoiled pets. Although she teaches college-level English courses online, writing fiction is her first love. She enjoys reading urban fantasy and paranormal fiction of any genre and spends most of her free time daydreaming about heroes, vampires, ghosts, werewolves, and the women who love (and sometimes fight) them. You can learn more about her at and follow her on all the usual
For updates about publications, free fiction, and other goodies, be sure to subscribe to her newsletter

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Win a paperback copy of Under Her Skin + Book Swag. Open to 18+ USA addresses

Under Her Skin