They had fantastic stuff there [in the US army collection point at Wiesbaden] ... In the office, across the whole back wall, was Watteau’s ‘Embarkation for Cythera’, and a wonderful Degas, where you look up through the orchestra pit, through the beards of the musicians, at those elegant dancers. It was from the Frankfurt Museum ... Just that office alone was worth the price of admission to World War II.’ Bernard Taper, art intelligence officer with the MFAA, in charge of the US collection point at Wiesbaden.
Various groups such as American Defense, Harvard Group and the American Council of Learned Societies had begun lobbying for a national organisation affiliated with the military to protect European art and monuments before the USA entered World War II. Francis Henry Taylor, director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art took the idea to Washington and President Franklin Roosevelt established the ‘American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas’ on 3rd June 1943.
Known as the Roberts Commission, and headquartered in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, it provided lists of cultural treasures and monuments to the military. However, more important was its establishment of the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program (MFAA) to assist in the restitution and protection of cultural property during and after WWII. Returning artworks as opposed to looting them overturned the principle that the conqueror was entitled to the spoils of war, practised since the Roman Empire, except for the restitution made after the Congress of Vienna in 1815
The MFAA consisted of around 400 enlisted civilians, known as the Monuments Men who were mainly art historians or museum curators. After the war Captain Harry Greer became Director of the Frick Collection; Lieutenant Commander James Rorimer became Director of the Metropolitan Museum; Sherman Lee becameDirector of the Cleveland Museum of Art; and Major Otto Wittman Director of the Toledo Museum of Art, to name just a few. General Dwight Eisenhower supported the MFAA by forbidding looting and the destruction of cultural objects or important buildings, prohibiting billets in monuments and ordering the regular army to assist the MFAA. Lieutenant Colonel Sir Leonard Woolley, the esteemed archaeologist who excavated Ur in Mesopotamia and served in the MFAA observed:
Prior to this war, no army had thought of protecting the monuments of the country in which and with which it was at war, and there were no precedents to follow ...All this was changed by a general order issued by Supreme Commander-in-Chief [General Eisenhower] just before he left Algiers, an order accompanied by a personal order to all Commanders ... the good name of the Army depended in great measure on the respect which it showed to the art heritage of the modern world. The Monuments Men accompanied Allied forces as they advanced liberating Nazi-occupied territories. They operated under the operations branch of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force), which was commanded by Eisenhower. In Florence, for example, they provided aerial photographs of important monuments and museums to help Allied bomber pilots avoid destroying them.
Where they found damaged monuments and churches, engineer units tried to shore them up or repair them. Captain Deane Keller, a professor at Yale before the war, managed to help save the Campo Santo in Pisa after a mortar round started a fire that melted the lead roof which bled down the famous fourteenth-century frescoed walls. Countless other churches, artworks and monuments were saved by the Monuments Men and they often entered liberated towns before regular troops.
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